General Provisions
30.01 Form of government
30.02 Composition and election of Council
30.03 Terms of office
30.04 Compensation and expenses
30.05 Mayor Pro Tempore
30.06 Oath of office required
30.07 Councilmembers not to hold other office or position
30.08 Council to establish departments, offices and agencies
Council Meetings
30.20 Time of meetings; open to public; notice
30.21 Presiding officer
30.22 Agenda
30.23 Minutes
30.24 Quorum; rules of order
30.25 Order of proceedings
30.26 How often members may speak
30.27 Appearance of citizens; unlawful to interrupt meetings
30.28 Executive sessions
30.29 Motions
30.30 Voting
30.31 Committees
30.40 Ordinances required
30.41 Emergency ordinances
30.42 Codification of ordinances
30.43 Notice required
30.44 Form of ordinance; enacting clause
30.45 Introduction of ordinances
30.46 Ordinance to be entered in book; notation of amending or repealing ordinances
30.47 Enactment of ordinances
30.48 Resolutions