General Provisions
51.001 Definitions
51.002 Depositing objectionable waste prohibited
51.003 Discharge of untreated sewage or other polluted waters to natural outlets
51.004 Privies, septic tanks and other facilities
51.005 Owner's responsibility to install suitable toilet facilities
51.006 Tampering with or damaging sewage works
51.007 Right of entry for purpose of inspection; indemnification; easements on private property
51.008 State authority permitted access to records
Private Sewage Disposal System
51.020 Connecting building sewer to private sewage disposal system
51.021 Written permit to be obtained
51.022 Inspection and approval of installation
51.023 Compliance with state regulatory provisions
51.024 Connecting private sewage disposal system to public sewer
51.025 Maintenance of private sewage disposal facilities
51.026 Noninterference with additional requirements
Building Sewers and Connections
51.040 Connection permit required; discharges to comply with federal, state and local standards
51.041 Building sewer permits; inspection and connection fees
51.042 Costs and expenses of installation and connection of building sewer; indemnification
51.043 Emergency repairs
51.044 Repairs by Public Works Department
51.045 Separate building sewer provided for every building
51.046 Use of old building sewers with new buildings
51.047 Removal of stoppage in waste pipes; replacing broken or old sewer lines
51.048 Building sewer construction and material specifications
Use of Public Sewer
51.060 Discharge of stormwater and other unpolluted drainage
51.061 Prohibited discharges to public sewers
51.062 Discharge of certain wastes restricted
51.063 Pretreatment, equalization of waste flows
51.064 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
51.065 Preliminary treatment facilities; maintenance
51.066 Control manhole
51.067 Measurements, tests and analyses
51.068 Industrial wastes; special agreement
Storm Drain System
51.080 Composition; maintenance and repair
51.081 Use of storm drain system
Wastewater Service Charges
51.095 Basis for wastewater service charges
51.096 Measurement of flow
51.097 Wastewater service rates and charges
51.098 Computation of wastewater service charges
Billings; Revenues
51.110 Billing and payment for sewer service
51.111 Delinquent, nonpayment of bills, and termination
51.112 Disposition of revenue; funds
51.113 Accounts to be kept; annual audit report
51.114 Notice of rates
51.130 Definition
51.131 License required
51.132 License fee; bond
51.133 Vehicles to be regulated; wagons to be kept clean
51.134 Notice to clean vaults
51.135 Cleaning vaults; hours of operation
51.136 Disposal of night soil
51.998 Notice of violation; liability