General Provisions
153.001 Title
153.002 Construction of chapter
153.003 Definitions
153.004 through 153.014 Reserved
Zoning Districts
153.015 Establishment of Districts
153.016 Map
153.017 Changes in map
153.018 through 153.029 Reserved
General Requirements and Provisions for All Districts
Part A. General Matters
153.030 Certain general requirements
153.031 Roomers and boarders prohibited
153.032 Special uses
153.033 Permitted obstructions in yards
153.034 Fences
153.035 Antennas and antenna support structures
153.036 Accessory uses and structures
153.037 Temporary uses
153.038 Wind energy systems (WES)
Adult-use cannabis business establishments prohibited
153.040 through 153.044 Reserved
Part B. Kenilworth Sign Code
153.045 Statement of purpose and intent
153.046 Title and scope
153.047 Compliance required
153.048 Definitions
153.049 Signs exempt from requirement to obtain building permit and certificate of appropriateness
153.050 Prohibited signs in all zoning districts
153.051 General regulations and standards for allowed signs in all zoning districts
153.052 Regulations and standards for permanent allowed signs in the “B” Business District
153.053 Regulations and standards for allowed signs in all districts other than the “B” Business District
153.054 Application for building permit and certificate of appropriateness
153.055 Administrative sign permits
153.056 Request for variation
153.057 Nonconforming signs
153.058 Review of permanent signs
153.059 Sign maintenance
153.060 Administration and enforcement; violations
153.061 through 153.064 Reserved
Residential District Regulations
153.065 Permitted and special uses
153.066 Lot area and lot width
153.067 Maximum height of buildings
153.068 Maximum size; maximum lot coverage
153.069 Minimum size of principal building
153.070 Minimum yard requirements
153.071 through 153.074 Reserved
Supplemental Regulations Applicable to All Residential Districts
153.075 Visibility at intersections
153.076 Location of accessory structures on lot
153.077 Exceptions to height regulations
153.078 Structures to have access
153.079 Location of private swimming pools
153.080 Parking and storage of vehicles
153.081 Parking or storage of commercial and recreational equipment
153.082 Air conditioning equipment and appurtenances
153.083 Solar panels
153.084 Air-supported and similar structures
153.085 Electrical and telephone equipment
153.086 Electrical generators
153.087 through 153.094 Reserved
B Business District Regulations
153.095 Permitted and special uses in B Business District
153.096 Maximum height
153.097 Minimum yard requirements
153.098 Restrictions on permitted and special uses
153.099 Visibility at intersections
153.100 through 153.109 Reserved
S School District Regulations
153.110 Permitted uses
153.111 Maximum height of buildings
153.112 Minimum yard requirements
153.113 through 153.124 Reserved
P Park and Playground District
153.125 Permitted uses
153.126 through 153.139 Reserved
M-1 Mahoney Park District
153.140 Permitted uses
153.141 through 153.154 Reserved
M-2 Municipal Lands District
153.155 Permitted uses
153.156 Extensions of uses; new uses
153.157 through 153.169 Reserved
R Railway Right-of-Way, Parkway and Automobile Parking District
153.170 Permitted uses
153.171 through 153.184 Reserved
Off-Street Automobile Parking Requirements
153.185 General statement of requirements
153.186 Restrictions
153.187 Parking areas and driveways
153.188 Collective provisions; control
153.189 Size; improvements; screening; signs
153.190 Repair work
153.191 Requirements of size, access and marking of spaces
153.192 Schedule of parking requirements
153.193 through 153.204 Reserved
Nonconforming Lots, Structures and Uses
153.205 Intent
153.206 Nonconforming lot in residence district
153.207 Nonconforming uses of land
153.208 Nonconforming structures used for a permitted use
153.209 Nonconforming uses of structures or of structures and land in combination
153.210 Repairs and maintenance
153.211 Uses permitted as special uses not nonconforming uses
153.212 through 153.224 Reserved
Administration and Enforcement: Building Permits and Certificates of Compliance
153.225 Administration and enforcement
153.226 Certificate of compliance
153.227 Construction and use to be as provided in applications, plans, permits and certificates of compliance
153.228 through 153.239 Reserved
Zoning Administration, Applications and Procedures
153.240 Jurisdiction
153.241 Architectural Review Commission
153.242 Certificates of appropriateness
153.243 Appeals
153.244 Variations
153.245 Special uses
153.246 Planned unit developments
153.247 Application requirements
153.248 Successive applications
153.249 Notice requirements
153.250 through 153.259 Reserved
Appeals From the Board of Appeals
153.260 Who may appeal
153.261 through 153.274 Reserved
Duties of Administrative Official, and of Board of Appeals and Board of Trustees on Matters of Appeal
153.275 Procedures as to questions of interpretation and enforcement
153.276 Duties of Board of Trustees
153.277 through 153.289 Reserved
Schedule of Fees, Charges and Expenses
153.290 Establishment of schedule of fees; payment required
153.291 Recoverable costs
153.292 Fee payment and escrow
153.293 Condition of all applications, approvals and permits; time periods
153.294 Specified public bodies exempt
153.295 through 153.304 Reserved
153.305 Amendments of chapter
153.306 through 153.319 Reserved
Provisions of Chapter Declared to be Minimum Requirements
153.320 Provisions are minimum requirements
153.321 through 153.334 Reserved
Complaints Regarding Violations
153.335 Handling of complaints of violations of chapter
153.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Appearance Plan
Appendix B: Zoning maps
Appendix C: Kenilworth Design Guidelines—Business District