(A)   No change in the use of land or of an existing building shall be made, no building constructed, structurally altered or moved after the date of passage of this chapter shall be occupied, and no land vacant on the date of passage of this chapter shall be used for any purpose, until a certificate of compliance has been issued by the Administrative Official stating that the building and the proposed use thereof, or the proposed use of vacant land, as the case may be, conforms to applicable building and health laws and ordinances and to this chapter; provided, however, that a temporary certificate of compliance may be issued by the Administrative Official for a period of not more than six months during alterations or partial occupancy of a building pending completion, which temporary certificate may contain conditions and safeguards as will protect the safety of the occupants and the public.
   (B)   Every application for a building permit shall be deemed to be an application for a certificate of compliance. Every application for a certificate of compliance for a new use of land where no building permit is required shall be made directly to the Administrative Official. An application for a certificate of compliance shall be issued or denied, as may be appropriate, within 15 days after receipt by the Administrative Official of written notice of completion of the construction, alteration or moving of the building to which the application relates, or within ten days after his or her receipt of the application if it relates to a new use of land where no building permit is required.
   (C)   No nonconforming structure or use shall be renewed, changed or extended until a certificate of compliance shall have been issued by the Administrative Official; provided that within one year from the date of passage of this chapter (or of any amendment hereto which causes a structure or use to become nonconforming) owners or occupants of any premises with respect to which any nonconforming structure or use exists may apply for a certificate of compliance. The certificate of compliance shall state specifically that the structure or use is nonconforming and the particulars in which the nonconforming structure or use differs from the requirements of this chapter. Failure to make the application within one year shall be presumptive evidence that no nonconformity as to structure or use existed with respect to the property at the time of passage of this chapter or an amendment and that any noncompliance of the structure or use with the requirements of this chapter occurred after the time of its passage.
   (D)   The Administrative Official shall maintain a record of all certificates of compliance, and a copy shall be furnished upon request to any person.
   (E)   Failure to obtain a certificate of compliance in connection with any renewal, extension or change of a nonconforming structure or use shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and punishable as provided by § 153.999.
(Ord. 577, passed 4-14-1969; Ord. 949, passed 2-13-2006)