Exempt signs are allowed signs which are exempt from the requirement to obtain a building permit and a certificate of appropriateness prior to locating, erecting, using, displaying, enlarging or expanding such signs. Exempt signs are subject to all additional regulations, standards, restrictions and limitations set forth below, including, where applicable, the requirement to obtain an administrative sign permit from the Administrative Official.
(A) Exempt permanent signs. The following permanent signs are exempt signs allowed in all zoning districts, except as otherwise specified:
(1) Address sign. Address signs are allowed signs in all districts and shall not exceed one square foot in area in the “B” Business District or two square feet in area in all other zoning districts for each officially assigned address, or such other size required by law, ordinance, rule or regulation. In all zoning districts, a freestanding address sign shall not exceed three feet in height measured from the ground. An address sign must be clear and readable from the street with a minimum letter or numeral height of four inches.
(2) Directory sign. Directory signs are allowed signs only in the “B” Business District, shall not exceed two square feet in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, shall be limited to one such sign per building, shall not be illuminated, and shall require an administrative sign permit.
(3) Governmental sign. Governmental signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts. The size and placement of governmental signs shall be in accordance any applicable local, state or federal law, ordinance, rule or regulation governing such signs and shall not be illuminated, unless otherwise required by such law, ordinance, rule or regulation.
(4) Hazard or no trespassing sign. Hazard and no trespassing signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts, shall not exceed one square foot in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, shall be limited to the number necessary to accomplish their intended purpose, shall be placed at such locations on the lot to achieve their intended purpose, and shall not be illuminated.
(5) Incidental sign. Incidental signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts, shall not exceed a combined total area of two square feet, shall not exceed five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated.
(6) Informational sign. Informational signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts, shall not exceed two square feet in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, shall be limited to the number necessary to accomplish the intended purpose, shall be placed at such locations on the premises to achieve their intended purpose, shall not be illuminated, and shall require an administrative sign permit.
(7) Memorial plaque sign. Memorial plaque signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts and shall not exceed one square foot in area. All memorial plaque signs shall be mounted flat against a building, on a monument stone, or another permanent surface. A memorial plaque sign shall be constructed of durable materials such as bronze, stone, or concrete, shall not be illuminated, and shall require an administrative sign permit.
(8) Public utility sign. Public utility signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts. The size and placement of public utility signs in all zoning districts shall be as required by any applicable law, ordinance, rule or regulation governing such signs and shall not be illuminated, unless otherwise required by such law, ordinance, rule or regulation.
(9) Security sign. Security signs are allowed signs in all zoning districts, shall not exceed one square foot in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated.
(B) Exempt temporary, short-term temporary, and daily-display temporary signs.
(1) Exempt temporary signs. The following temporary signs are exempt signs allowed to be displayed for not more than 12 months in all zoning districts, except as otherwise specified.
(a) Booster sign. Booster signs are allowed signs on private residential property in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3”, and “R-4” zoning districts, shall not exceed three square feet in area and three feet in height measured from the ground, shall not be illuminated, and shall not be posted without the consent of the lot owner.
(b) Construction site sign.
1. In the “B” Business District, a construction site sign is allowed in connection with the construction or renovation of a building or occupant’s space and is limited to no more than one sign per zoning lot frontage. Such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in area, shall not be more than five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated. A construction site sign shall not be displayed until all necessary permits and approvals for construction have been granted by the village and an administrative sign permit has been obtained from the Administrative Official. A construction site sign in the “B” Business District shall contain the information required by the building and construction regulations and shall be removed in conformance with those regulations. Such a sign may also contain the project name, architect, contractor and/or engineer and their telephone numbers for the project under construction, and must be removed within seven days after the earlier of completion of construction and issuance of a certificate of occupancy, final inspection or expiration of a building permit.
2. In all other zoning districts, the only allowed construction site sign shall be the sign provided by the village, shall only contain the information required by the building and construction regulations, and shall be removed in conformance with those regulations.
(c) Demolition site sign. In the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3”, and “R-4” zoning districts, a demolition site sign is an allowed sign on property which is the subject of a demolition application pursuant to the building and construction regulations.
(d) Election sign. Election signs are allowed on private property (other than institutional property) in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R3”, and “R-4” zoning districts, with the consent of the property owner, not to exceed six square feet in area per candidate or position on a referendum question and five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated.
(e) Flag. Two flags, each having a size less than 24 square feet in area, may be displayed on each lot with the lot owner's consent. Each lot in the village is limited to one flagpole not to exceed 14 feet in height. A flag may also be displayed from a bracket attached to a building or structure. In the “B” Business District, any commercial message flag shall be included in the combined sign area and shall not be illuminated.
(f) Free expression sign. Free expression signs are allowed signs at all times on private property in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3” and “R-4” zoning districts, with the property owner’s consent, shall not exceed six square feet in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated.
(g) Holiday decoration. Holiday decorations, including illuminated decorations, are allowed in all zoning districts as temporary signs.
(h) Light pole civic banner sign. Light pole civic banner signs are allowed in such zoning districts as are set forth in a village-approved civic sign plan. Each such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet in area when displayed on the village’s light poles.
(i) Real estate sign.
1. Residential District. One freestanding real estate sign is allowed on private residential property offered for sale or lease in the “R-1", “R-2", “R-3", and “R-4" zoning districts as a temporary sign, shall not exceed six square feet in area and five feet in height measured from the ground, and shall not be illuminated.
2. Business District. In the “B” Business District on the first floor front façade or street level, one nonilluminated wall, window or freestanding real estate sign is allowed as a temporary sign per occupant space offered for sale or lease, and shall not exceed 12 square feet in area. A freestanding sign shall not exceed five feet in height measured from the ground. A wall sign may only be installed above the top of first floor glazing and may not be installed higher than the second floor window sill of the building or 14 feet measured from the ground or sidewalk next to the front façade, whichever is lower. For private residential property above the first floor in the “B” Business District, real estate signs may only be window signs, shall not exceed six square feet in area and shall not be illuminated.
3. Removal and reduction. A real estate sign must be removed no later than 14 days following the execution of a sales contract or rental lease for the property or occupant’s space. However, in the case of multi-unit developments or structures in the “B” Business District, within 21 days following the date upon which such development or structure is 90% or more sold or leased, any real estate sign must be removed or, for any remaining area not sold or leased, replaced with a sign not to exceed six square feet in area.
4. General. The name, address, and telephone number of the person responsible for removal of a real estate sign shall be clearly marked on the sign.
(2) Exempt short-term temporary signs. The following short-term temporary signs are exempt signs allowed to be displayed for up to 21 days in all zoning districts, except as otherwise specified.
(a) Civic event sign. Civic event signs which are banner signs or freestanding signs are allowed as short-term temporary signs with the property owner’s consent on institutional property, shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, shall not be secured to trees, shall not be illuminated, and shall be removed within seven days following the event.
(b) Personal event sign. Personal event signs which are banner signs, wind signs, freestanding signs, or other portable signs are allowed as short-term temporary signs with the property owner’s consent, on private residential property in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3", and “R-4” zoning districts, shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, and shall not be illuminated.
(c) Short-term temporary commercial message window sign. Short-term temporary commercial message window signs are allowed in the “B” Business District and shall not be illuminated. The total area of all allowed short-term temporary, temporary and permanent window signs shall not exceed 30% of the total aggregate window area on the first floor façade.
(d) Short-term temporary commercial message window display sign. Short-term temporary commercial message window display signs are allowed in the “B” Business District and shall not be illuminated. The total area of all allowed short-term temporary, temporary and permanent window signs shall not exceed 30% of the window area.
(e) Wind sign. In all zoning districts other than the “B” Business District, wind signs are allowed with the property owner’s consent, shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, and shall not be illuminated.
(3) Exempt daily-display temporary signs. The following daily-display temporary signs are exempt signs and are allowed to be displayed in all zoning districts on a daily basis or a one-day basis during customary operating hours, except as otherwise specified.
(a) Open house sign. Open house signs are allowed for one-day daily display in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3” and “R-4” zoning districts only, shall not exceed three square feet in area or three feet in height measured from the ground, shall not be illuminated, and must be removed at the close of the open house event.
(b) Private sale sign. Private sale signs are allowed for one-day daily display on private residential property in the “B”, “R-1”, “R-2”, “R-3”, and “R-4” zoning districts with the property owner’s consent, shall not exceed three square feet in area or three feet in height measured from the ground, shall be not be illuminated, and must be removed at the close of the private sale event.
(c) Temporary parking and traffic control sign. Temporary parking and traffic control signs are allowed for one-day or daily display only, shall not exceed three square feet in area or three feet in height measured from the ground, shall not be illuminated, and must be removed each day at the close of the customary operating hours of the business, institution, organization or event.
(Ord. 1057, passed 2-22-2011)