(A)   Restrictions as to use. Except as may otherwise be provided in the zoning regulations, off-street parking spaces accessory to principal uses permitted by the zoning regulations shall be solely for the parking of automobiles of occupants, patrons, visitors or employees.
   (B)   Time for complying with parking requirements. In order to provide for off-street automobile parking facilities in accordance with the conditions specified herein, a private garage constructed on the lot or parcel of land occupied by the principal building or use, or an off-street automobile parking area, shall be provided at the time of the erection of any of the principal buildings or structures on the lot or parcel of land, or, except in the case of a church or public school on an existing site, at the time the principal buildings or structures are enlarged, converted or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, floor area, seating capacity or any other unit of measurement specified in this subchapter or are increased in the intensity of use or in occupancy content, regardless of structural change.
(Ord. 577, passed 4-14-1969)