Exclusion from certain qualifications shall be permitted as a special exception in the M1 Industrial District subject to the following standards:
(a) For the erection, alteration, enlargement or use of a building or land for any of the permitted uses listed in Section 1260.069, when not completely complying with the qualifications of paragraphs (a)(1)A. and B. of such section, provided that it is demonstrated to the Board by competent technical experts that there will be made such use of special safety devices and advanced technical equipment and processes so as to no longer justify exclusion of the uses from the stated district on the basis of failure to comply completely with such qualifying conditions.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)
Exclusion from height requirements shall be permitted as a special exception in the M1 Industrial District for the erection of a structure, to a reasonable height above the District requirements, provided that the Board, upon statements by competent experts, determines such excess height to be necessary for the operation of the particular use at the concerned location.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)
An educational or counseling institution shall be permitted as a special exemption in an C3 Central Business District or H Health Service District provided that:
(a) The institution maintains a licensed and certified staff; and
(b) All provided educational and counseling services comply with any applicable State or Federal regulations pertaining to each said service.
(Ord. 5139. Passed 11-27-13.)
An exclusion from the regulations and standards set forth for storefronts and windows for commercial properties within the C3 – Central Business District, Downtown Historic District, and/or a Historic Overlay District shall be permitted providing that:
(a) The property owner receives approval for said modifications to his/her property through the review and recommendation by the City of Johnstown Planning Commission and the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board for the City of Johnstown.
(Ord. 5191. Passed 12-9-15.)