(A) Preliminary layout data. The same data required as in §§ 153.035 through 153.038. Also, copies of all deeds and plats which apply to the subject property shall be submitted along with the proposed final record plat for purpose of review. Other reference material may be requested to finish the review process (i.e., highway plans, adjoiner information, prior source deeds and the like).
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.401; Am. Ord. passed 8- -1998)
(B) Scale. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of 100 feet to the inch or larger, except that plats of large subdivisions may be drawn at a scale of 200 feet to the inch.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.402)
(C) Certification. On a final plat, blocks containing the following certificates shall be placed on the right-hand side or lower edge of the plat.
(1) Certificate of Ownership and Dedication (Appendix C, Form IV(D));
(2) Certificate of Accuracy (Appendix C, Form IV(E));
(3) Additionally, if connections are proposed to public sewerage and water systems, a Certificate of Availability of Water Service (Appendix C, Form IV(B)), and Availability of Sewerage Service (Appendix C, Form IV(C));
(4) Certificate of Approved Streets and Utilities as constructed or proposed, in which case it shall show that bond, cash or letter of credit has been posted (Appendix C, Form IV(F)); and
(5) Certificate of Approval for Recording (Appendix C, Form IV(G)).
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.403)
(D) Survey data. All necessary descriptions and dimensions, including angles, bearings, radii, arcs and central angles, corner and lot monuments and similar data, to readily determine the location, bearing and length of all streets, lots and boundary lines, and to reproduce this data on the ground shall be clearly marked and described on the subdivision plat. The data will be tied to primary control points which locations and descriptions shall be given as they relate to the triangulation points as described in § 153.081. The above data must comply with the minimum standards of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Board of Registration of Land Surveyors.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.404)
(E) Identification information. The following identifying information shall also be shown:
(1) Name and right-of-way of each street, easement or other right-of-way, proposed and existing;
(2) Lot number, lot acreage in 1/100 of an acre;
(3) Minimum building setback line;
(4) All sides of each lot shall have indicated bearings and distance comparable to the accuracy of the survey;
(5) Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and streets; names of owners of adjoining unplatted properties; and intersecting property lines;
(6) The type of monument used at the corner of each lot shall be identified by legend or note; and
(7) Site statistic information including zoning, number of lots, minimum lot size, area in right-of-way, area in roads, net density and gross density.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.405)
(F) Street design data.
(1) All or any of the data pertaining to street design may be required to be shown on the subdivision plat submitted to the Planning Commission for final approval: location, width and name of each proposed street, and typical cross-sections showing street pavement and, where required, curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
(2) This information shall be required on construction plans:
(a) Lengths and deflection angles of all straight lines and radii, lengths, central angles, chords and tangent distances of all curves for each street proposed;
(b) Profiles drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch horizontally and 10 feet to the inch vertically, showing existing and proposed elevations along the centerlines of all proposed streets, and the elevations of existing streets for a distance of 100 feet either side of their intersection with a proposed street; and
(c) Proposed elevations of all proposed streets shown on the plan at the intersection of side lot lines with right-of-way lines, or at least every 150 feet, at 5 points on a line at right angles to the centerline of the street; and these elevation points being indicated at the centerline of the street, each property line, and points 30 feet inside each property line, or at the building line.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.406)
(G) Utilities data. This information shall be required on construction plans: location, size and invert elevations of existing and proposed stormwater drains and sanitary sewers with the exact location of utilities and fire hydrants, where required, shall be shown.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.407)
(H) Elements of dedication. Accurate location of all property to be offered for dedication for public use shall be marked, with the purpose indicated thereon, and of all property to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners of the subdivision. Formal offers of dedication of all streets to the city or county, depending on the location of the proposed subdivision, shall be submitted to the appropriate legislative body.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.408)
After all improvements have been installed to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission, the subdivider or developer shall submit to the Planning Commission a reproducible copy and 5 copies of as-built improvement drawings (showing how all improvements were actually installed). One copy of the as-built drawings shall be retained by the Planning Commission. The Commission shall transmit copies to applicable county departments and agencies.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.500)
(A) Classification. At the pre-application meeting in accordance with § 153.021, the Commission will determine whether the proposed subdivision constitutes a major or minor subdivision. In the case of a minor subdivision, the lesser significance on the long-range development of the community is considered justification for simplifying and expediting the processing of the plats. All sections of this chapter shall be considered and those applicable to a proposed minor plat shall be applied.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.600; Am. Ord. passed 8-10-1999)
(B) Minor plat requirements. To qualify for consideration as a minor subdivision plat, a subdivision must meet the following situations:
(1) Where a subdivision contains 3 lots or fewer, counting the remainder of the original tract; and fronts on an existing public street; and involves no opening, widening or extension of a right-of-way streets or easement of utilities; nor has it been part of a minor plat recorded during the last 12 months;
(2) Where a subdivision provides for the transfer of land between adjacent property owners and does not involve creation of any new lots or building sites;
(3) Where any number of lots are consolidated into 3 lots or less and involve no new public improvements; and
(4) Where there is a need to make technical revisions to a recorded final plat of any engineering or drafting nature or similar small discrepancy, but not including public improvements requirements.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.601)
(C) Minor plat processing. Upon the determination that a proposed subdivision meets the requirements of division (B) of this section, the following procedure may be followed by the Planning Commission.
(1) Waiver of preliminary plat. The Commission may waive the preliminary plat procedure. In this case, the subdivider shall proceed directly with the preparation of a final plat excluding references to preliminary plat.
(2) Planning Commission review. An application for review of the minor plat shall be submitted to the Planning Commission to be received by the Administrative Officer by the day indicated on the application deadline schedule posted in the office of the Administrative Officer. Copies of all deeds and plats which apply to the subject property shall be submitted along with the proposed final record plat for purposes of review. Other reference material may be requested to finish the review process (i.e., highway plans, adjoiner information and prior source deeds, and the like). The Administrative Officer or Chairperson may decide at this time to waive the required public review on the minor plat upon the determination that all plat requirements are met. The Chairperson of the Planning Commission may then sign the plat for recording.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.602)
(A) General requirements. All divisions of land, agriculturally zoned or otherwise, and regardless of the size and number of parcels generated, shall be platted. All retracement plats and all plats of divisions of land shall be submitted for approval by the Commission and shall, if approval is obtained, be recorded in the County Clerk's office. Copies of all deeds and plats which apply to the subject property shall be submitted along with the proposed final record plat for purpose of review. Other reference material may be requested to finish the review process (i.e., highway plans, adjoiner information and prior source deeds, and the like).
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.700)
(B) Plat content. All plats shall be constructed and drafted pursuant to Article 3.400 of the Minimum Standards of Practice of the Kentucky Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. In addition, any notes, certificates, details or other information requested by the Commission and/or the Administrative Officer shall be placed on the plat prior to presentation and/or approval.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.701)
(C) Plat processing. Applications for review and approval of all retracement and division plats shall be filed with the Administrative Officer with payment of fee of $50 for retracement and fees for divisions of land in accordance with Appendix A of these subdivision regulations. Upon determination of the Administrative Officer that the plat meets the requirements of a retracement or division plat, the following procedure for approval shall be followed:
(1) The Administrative Officer shall determine whether the plat meets all requirements and shall determine if any additional notes, certificates or other information is required to be placed upon the plat;
(2) Upon completion of division (C)(1) and division (A) above, the Administrative Officer or Commission Chairperson shall deem the plat approved and it shall be appropriate for the Commission Chairperson to inscribe his or her signature thereon as evidence of approval; and
(3) After approval and signing of the plat by the Chairperson and within 90 days, the plat shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of Jessamine County at the expense of the applicant. Failure to record within the foregoing 90-day period shall result in nullification of the Commission's approval for recording and voiding of the plat.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.702)
All plats filed with the Planning Commission for approval under §§ 153.040, 153.042, 153.043 or any other applicable sections, which have frontage on a public road, shall provide a separate 20-foot easement for utilities and a separate easement for road widening in accordance with § 153.062 across the entire frontage of the parent tract.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 3.800)