§ 153.062 STREETS.
   (A)   Conformity with the comprehensive plan. The width and locations of all streets in a proposed subdivision shall conform with the street system as included in the Jessamine County-City of Wilmore comprehensive plan.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.201)
   (B)   Relation to topography. Streets shall be related to topography in their design in order to produce most usable building sites, whenever possible at or above the grades of the streets; and to provide proper grades and curves as required by this chapter.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.202)
   (C)   Continuation of streets into adjacent property. Streets shall be arranged to provide for the continuation of principal streets between adjacent properties where the continuation is necessary for a convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, efficient provision of utilities, and particularly where such continuation is in accordance with the comprehensive plan. If the adjacent property is undeveloped and the street must be a dead-end street temporarily, the right-of-way and improvements shall be extended to the property line. A temporary circular turnaround of a minimum outside pavement radius of 50 feet or, as an alternative, a paved T-shaped ending with a cross-drive 20 feet wide by 50 feet long for a local street, or 100 feet long for any higher classification street, and centered with the street's centerline, shall be provided on all temporary dead-end streets, with the notation on the plat that any land used for the above purpose outside the street right-of-way shall revert to abutters whenever the street is continued. The street system for the proposed subdivision shall provide for extending existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case shall a street extension be of a lesser width than the minimum width required in these regulations for streets in its category.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.203)
   (D)   Rights-of-way and minimum design standards.  
      (1)   Rights-of-way to be dedicated for new streets measured from the lot line to the opposite lot line shall be in conformity with the comprehensive plan and its major thoroughfare plan and, where not specified, shall meet the following standards which, in addition to the right-of-way width, include requirements for minimum horizontal and vertical curves, maximum and minimum grades, and minimum sight distances. The width specified for the pavement shall be the distance measured from a curb line to the opposite curb line.
      (2)   The following street design standards shall apply in Jessamine County and the City of Wilmore:
Object of Standard
Street Classification
Collector/ Secondary
Frontage Road/ Marginal Access
Object of Standard
Street Classification
Collector/ Secondary
Frontage Road/ Marginal Access
Minimum width of right-of-way (urban and rural)
80 ft.
60 ft.
50 ft.
50 ft.
Minimum width of pavement
44 ft.
42 ft.
32 ft.
32 ft.
24 ft.
22 ft.
22 ft.
22 ft.
All commercial and industrial zones (rural)**
24 ft.
24 ft.
24 ft.
24 ft.
Minimum radius of horizontal curves
400 ft.
300 ft.
100 ft. except for intersection corners
100 ft.
Shoulder width
8 ft.
6 ft.
4 ft.
2 ft.
Object of Standard
Street Classification
Collector/ Secondary
Frontage Road/ Marginal Access
Object of Standard
Street Classification
Collector/ Secondary
Frontage Road/ Marginal Access
Minimum length of vertical curves as measured from centerline of right-of-way
200 ft. but not less than 50 ft. for each 1% algebraic difference of grade
200 ft. but not less than 50 ft. for each 1% algebraic difference of grade
100 ft. but not less than 25 ft. for great curve and 35 ft. for each 1% algebraic difference of grade
100 ft.
80 ft.
80 ft.
Minimum length of tangents between reverse curves
300 ft.
200 ft.
100 ft. except where 100 ft. excessive grades may be reduced to reasonable grades by shortening tangent
100 ft.
50 ft.
Minimum allowable grade
Minimum grade for drainage
* See Appendix B, Figure 2 for Typical Road Section
** See Appendix B, Figure 3 for Typical Road Section
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.204; Am. Ord. passed 4-12-2005)
   (E)   Permanent dead-end streets. Where a street is designed so as to have 1 end permanently closed, it shall not be longer than 500 feet for greater traffic convenience and effective police and fire protection, and shall have as its closed end a circular turnaround with a maximum right-of-way radius of 60 feet and with a minimum outside pavement radius of 50 feet. Such a dead-end street shall not come closer than 100 feet from the boundary of a subdivision if its continuation is not needed for access to adjoining property. The Planning Commission may require the reservation of a 20-foot wide easement between the end of the proposed dead-end street and an adjacent piece of property to accommodate pedestrian traffic or utilities. Waiver of length may be granted where geographical or physical features make the limit not feasible.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.205)
   (F)   Existing streets, realignment and widening.  
      (1)   Where a subdivision is proposed along an existing street or road, the subdivider will widen and construct the road according to the diagram attached as Appendix B, Figure 1. The total road width shall be as required by the applicable street design standard set forth in division (D) of this section, but in no case shall the road be less than 22 feet in total width.
      (2)   The only exception to the foregoing road widening requirement shall be the initial division of the original parcel of land, as the configuration of the parcel exists on June 25, 1986, into 3 tracts or less, in which event the landowner will not have to widen the existing road on which the tracts front. However, any subsequent division creating 4 tracts or more from the original parcel, regardless of which landowner makes the division, shall cause the landowner to comply with the foregoing widening provisions and any other applicable section of this chapter, and shall cause the landowner to widen the road in front of the first 3 tracts initially divided. The intent of this provision is that it shall apply to the division of parcels, as the configuration of the parcels exist on June 24, 1986, notwithstanding any changes in ownership of these parcels.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.206; Am. Ord. 4-12-2005)
   (G)   Increased right-of-way. If extraordinary physical conditions render it necessary to promote increased traffic flow, the Planning Commission may require the right-of-way be increased 10 feet, for the side of the street where the subdivision is proposed.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.207)
   (H)   Hazardous or conflicting conditions. When a proposed subdivision contains or is adjacent to an existing or proposed arterial street, rights-of-way, railroad rights-of-way, or conflicting detrimental or hazardous land uses, the Planning Commission may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots, lots with rear service alleys, lots with additional depth, or other measures which may be necessary for protection of abutting properties and the maintenance or function of major traffic arteries.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.208)
   (I)   Private streets and reserve strips. There shall be no private and/or gated streets or roads allowed in Jessamine County or the City of Wilmore.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.209; Am. Ord. passed 3-12-2002)
   (J)   Street intersections.
      (1)   Street intersections shall not involve more than 4 street approaches; merging lanes and acceleration lanes are considered parts of 1 street approach. Within 40 feet measured for each street from the closest intersection of right-of-way lines, such streets shall have the angle be less than 75 degrees. No cross-intersections of centerlines of other than minor or marginal access streets shall be closer than 800 feet apart, unless the Planning Commission deems it unrealistic under extraordinary circumstances. Offset intersection centerlines shall not be closer than 150 feet. Except in a city central business district, and unless extraordinary physical conditions necessitate a retaining wall to be approved by the Planning Commission, within the triangular area (sight distance triangle), formed at corners by the street curbs or edge of pavement: for a distance as determined in division (J)(2) below on each from their point intersection; and the diagonal connecting the end points of these lines, visibility for traffic safety shall be provided and by excavating if necessary. Nothing in the way of fences, walls, hedges or other landscaping shall be permitted to obstruct the visibility for a height of 10 feet above the ground/finish grade. Grades at street intersections shall be limited to 2% for a distance of 75 feet from the intersection of the centerlines. All street intersection corners shall be rounded by curves of radii of at least 25 feet.
      (2)   The sight distance length for intersecting streets shall be determined as follows: as measured at a point 15 feet back from the intersecting corner diagonally to a point determined by speed limit, then following the road edge of pavement back to the intersecting corner, forming the sight distance triangle. The following distances of the triangle shall be used to determine the sight triangle for vehicular traffic for all legs of the intersection (see following table and diagram):
(X) Sight Distance*
Speed Limit
484 ft.
55 mph
396 ft.
45 mph
308 ft.
35 mph
220 ft.
25 mph
132 ft.
15 mph
*Distance being feet traveled in 6 seconds by vehicle at speed limit.
      (3)   No ground-mounted identification sign shall be placed within the sight distance triangle of a street intersection or the intersection of the entrance/exit to a business and the public street. If a pole sign is proposed within this sight distance triangle, the minimum distance from the ground to the bottom of the sign shall be 10 feet, or greater if the topography of the intersection warrants, in which case the Planning Commission may increase the height in order to address the circumstances presented.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.210; Am. Ord. passed 5-8-2001)
   (K)   Street names. Subdivision streets shall be identified by proposed names. In case of proposed streets which are clearly aligned with existing streets, these new streets shall bear the name of the existing street. In no other case shall the names of the proposed streets duplicate or be phonetically similar to an existing street name irrespective of the use of a different suffix, such as street, avenue, boulevard, driveway, place, court or other.
(Ord. passed 2- -1985, § 4.211)
   (L)   Maintenance of landscape islands and other structures within right-of-way. Landscape islands, gatehouses, entrance walls and other structures proposed to be constructed within the right-of-way of any street to be accepted by a legislative body shall contain a note on the preliminary and final subdivision plat and/or development plan identifying the entity that will be responsible for all upkeep and maintenance in perpetuity. The City of Wilmore or the Jessamine County Fiscal Court will not be responsible for the upkeep or maintenance of those structures. If there is not an identified entity noted, the plat or plan shall not be approved with those features. Jessamine County or the City of Wilmore reserves the right to remove these items in the event of unreasonable upkeep and maintenance at the cost of the maintenance entity.
(Ord. passed 4-12-2005, § 4.212)