All connections to city sewers shall be made only in the presence or under the supervision of a duly authorized inspector of the city. (Ord. 64, sec. 3)
   (A)   Branch sewer lines. Branch sewer lines shall not be backfilled until examined and approved by the duly authorized city inspector. Said lines shall be of glazed clay pipe ASTM C-200-59T or extra strength unglazed clay pipe, ASTM C-278-60T specifications. (Ord. 64, sec. 4; Am. Ord. 256, sec. 1)
   (B)   Joints. All joints for the branch sanitary sewer shall be made as directed by the duly authorized city inspector and shall be of material that conforms to the following specifications: ASTM C-425-60T Type 3, or ASTM 425-60T Type 1, or ASTM 425-61T Type 1. (Ord. 64, sec. 5; Am. Ord. 256, sec. 1)
   (C)   Accident and liability. The applicant shall be liable for all damages, both to property and to persons, resulting from accidents which may occur as a result of the construction of the sewer connection. (Ord. 64, sec. 6)
   (D)   Cost of making connection to sewer. The cost of permit charges for connection shall be in amounts as determined from time to time by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 64, sec. 7)
   (E)   Connection charges. The owner of each premises hereafter making connection to said sanitary sewer system shall make same at his own expense and shall first secure a permit from the city. The fee for such permit shall be determined by resolution of the city council, and shall cover the inspection and service charge of the city, and shall be payable at the time application is made therefor. (Ord. 64, sec. 8)