General Provisions
55.001 Statutory authority
55.002 Purpose
55.003 Title
55.004 Administration
55.005 Definitions
55.006 Applicability
Stormwater Construction Approvals
55.020 General requirements
55.021 Application for stormwater construction approval
55.022 Financial assurance for regulated construction activity
Design and Construction Requirements for Stormwater Management Systems
55.035 General
55.036 Requirements for design of stormwater management systems
55.050 Fees for stormwater construction approvals
Long-term Maintenance
55.065 Demonstration of long-term maintenance
55.066 Scope of long-term maintenance
Authority and Duties of Inspectors
55.080 Authority
55.081 Duties of inspectors
Compliance and Enforcement
55.095 General
55.096 Investigations, informal conference and voluntary agreements
55.097 Notification of violation
55.098 Consent agreement
55.099 Administrative compliance orders
55.100 Imminent and substantial injury orders
55.101 Municipal civil infractions
55.102 Civil actions
55.103 Criminal penalties; imprisonment
55.104 Separate offenses
55.115 Appeal
55.116 Appeal procedure