(A) Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plat is to provide the village with sufficiently detailed information to evaluate a major subdivision.
(B) Application. Applications for preliminary plat approval shall contain such information as may be required from time to time by the Planning Commission and the City Manager but in all instances shall contain the following:
(1) The date of approval of the concept plan and any changes to the proposed subdivision since said approval.
(2) Basic facts and proposals pertaining to the property including:
(a) Size of parcel in acres.
(b) Existing zoning classification of the property under the zoning code of the village and any rezoning that will be requested.
(c) Number of lots proposed in the subdivision.
(d) Area of lots proposed; minimum, average and maximum, in acres.
(e) Areas to be preserved as public or private open space, in acres.
(f) Number and area of parcels of land intended to be dedicated, conveyed or reserved for public use, and the conditions proposed for such disposal and use.
(3) If applicant proposes to install private household sewage disposal systems to serve lots within the subdivision, a separate plan shall be submitted as provided for in § 154.101.
(4) The preliminary plat shall be submitted with the following features and information:
(a) The tract designation according to the real estate records of the Auditor and Recorder of Hamilton County.
(b) At least ten prints or copies of the preliminary subdivision plat shall be prepared and submitted to the City Manager.
(c) The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale which is appropriate for the conditions on the site, as determined by the City Manager. The vertical scale of street and sewer profiles shall be drawn at a scale of 20 feet to the inch (20 = 1 ) except where it is appropriate to use some other scale to properly show conditions. North arrow and date of latest revision shall be shown.
(d) Each separate sheet shall be entitled according to its subject matter and identified with the development. Any other appropriate identification of the land, scale, contour intervals, north arrow, date of preparation, including the date of latest revision, and the like, shall be included.
(e) A vicinity sketch or small scale key map at the scale of 400 feet or more to the inch (400 = 1 ) of the area surrounding the property to be developed shall be included.
(f) Additional information:
1. The location and name of all adjacent subdivisions, if any, and names of owners of adjacent unsubdivided and subdivided property within 100 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision.
2. Identification by Auditor's Record Book, page and parcel number of recorded lots or parcels immediately adjoining the subject property.
3. The location, name, and present width of right-of-way and paving or improved surfacing for all adjacent roads, streets and alleys, including those intersecting any road or street that bounds the property.
4. The location, width and type of use of any existing roads, rights-of-way, easements or other special purpose areas, including riding trails, within the property, or immediately adjacent thereto, together with the location of any towers, poles or other structures in connection with electric transmission lines.
5. Approximate location of any existing underground facilities, sewers, culverts, water mains, storm drains, gas or oil transmission lines, and the like, within the property or immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes and directions of slope.
6. Existing topography showing contours at two-foot intervals, streams, springs, swamps, rock outcrops, buildings, wooded areas or other features likely to affect the plan. All contours shall be on U.S.G.S. data and shall be determined from current field data or aerial photography. If any part of the proposed subdivision is subject to flooding, a line indicating the water surface elevation of the 100-year flood shall be shown on the drawing.
(g) A preliminary landscape plan. A general depiction of proposed landscaping that con-forms to the standards set forth in § 154.095 through 154.103 and 154.150 through 154.154 shall be provided. In addition, to assist in the overall planning procedure and location of proposed improvements, tree growth, and ground cover within natural resource protection areas which are required to remain protected, and forested areas outside of natural resource protection areas shall be designated by an outline on the landscape plan.
(h) The proposed plat of subdivision. The preliminary plat shall show, superimposed upon the drawing of the property outlines and its existing features, a graphic representation of the subdivision, resubdivision or development which is being proposed for approval. The items to be shown, as applicable in each case, include the following:
1. Street layout:
a. The right-of-way lines of all proposed streets, alleys, sidewalks or other rights-of--way, including the widths thereof and the proposed use of special rights-of-way.
b. Where the subdivision borders on an existing road or street which will require widening, the same is to be indicated by a new right-of-way line appropriately located to meet such requirement.
c. Any existing streets which are proposed to be abandoned shall be shown in shaded pattern, or otherwise distinctly indicated.
d. Street names shall be shown for all proposed streets within the subdivision.
2. Street grades. Each preliminary plat which includes proposed new streets, or new development along the existing road or street for which there is no established grade shall show proposed grades in the streets.
3. Lot and block layout.
a. Layout showing proposed lot lines, scaled dimensions of lots, area of lot, building restriction lines as required by the zoning code and any easement required. In resubdivisions the existing lot lines shall be shown by dashed lines and dotted lot numbers.
b. Lots and blocks shall be numbered so as to avoid duplication.
4. Sites for public uses. All sites proposed for schools, parks, play-grounds, water reservoirs or other public uses, if any, shall be so identified with scaled dimensions and approximate areas.
5. Sites for other than single-family dwellings.
a. All sites proposed for uses other than single-family dwellings, such as churches, schools and private clubs shall be so indicated with scaled dimensions and the area for each such site, provided that the proposed use is in accordance with the use for which the property is actually zoned.
b. When the property is included in more than one zoning district classification, the lines showing the limits of each zoning classification shall be clearly indicated.
6. Whenever property to be subdivided contains existing dwellings or any existing accessory buildings which are proposed to be converted to residential use pursuant to § 155.06(A)(1)(e), the existing structures shall be considered new homes and shall be subject to the applicable provisions of § 150.24.
7. Stages of final platting and development with estimated schedule.
(5) A soil classification summary based upon the information contained in the Soil Survey published by the National Cooperative Soil Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Lands and Soils, and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
(6) Submission of erosion, sedimentation control and slope stability measures pursuant to Chapter 153 (Soil Erosion and Sediment Control).
(C) Staff review. Upon determining pursuant to § 154.022 that the preliminary plat application is complete, the City Manager shall distribute the application for preliminary plat approval in the following manner:
(1) One copy each to the Village Engineer and to the City Manager for their review and preparation of written reports to be submitted within 15 working days of receipt of the complete application.
(2) One copy to the City Solicitor.
(D) Planning Commission consideration and action.
(1) Upon receipt by the Planning Commission of a complete application for preliminary plat approval and the reports from the City Manager and the Village Engineer, the application shall be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting to be held within 30 working days thereof. Within 15 working days of the close of the meeting the Planning Commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the preliminary plat, unless such time is extended by mutual consent of the Commission and the applicant.
(2) The decision of the Planning Commission shall be in writing and as the basis for its action shall take into consideration:
(a) The conformity of the preliminary plat of subdivision with the village's adopted land use plan;
(c) The conformity of the preliminary plat of subdivision with applicable laws and regulations, including zoning, flood plain, erosion and sedimentation regulations.
(3) If the decision of the Planning Commission on the proposed plat of subdivision is for disapproval, the Planning Commission shall, within five working days of its decision, forward to the subdivider a written statement of the reasons for such disapproval.
(4) Upon rejection of the preliminary plat by the Planning Commission, the Commission shall return the plat to the subdivider with its written statement pursuant to division (D) (3) above. Once deficiencies are corrected the subdivider may resubmit the preliminary plat to the City Manager for consideration in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter without filing additional fees.
(5) If the proposed plat of subdivision as shown by said preliminary plat is approved by the Planning Commission, the original plat and one print or copy of the plat shall be endorsed by the Planning Commission as follows:
"This proposed plat of subdivision and accompanying documents have received preliminary approval by the Planning Commission of the Village of Indian Hill, and said Planning Commission is now ready to receive the final plat for consideration.
Approval of the preliminary plat will be effective for 24 months, unless extended by the Commission or otherwise approved pursuant to a phasing plan. In no event shall a preliminary plat approval be effective for more than 48 months.
(E) Authority to proceed with construction plans and final plat. Receipt by the subdivider of a copy of the preliminary plat endorsed by the Planning Commission pursuant to division (D) (5) above shall constitute authority for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of construction plans and specifications for approval pursuant to § 154.037 and a final plat pursuant to § 154.038.
(F) Time limit on submission of final plat. After approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall, within 24 months thereafter, submit the final plat to the City Manager. If desired, the subdivider may submit a final plat constituting only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which he proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms in all respects to the preliminary plat and provided that a phasing plan has been approved by the Planning Commission as part of the preliminary plat pursuant to division (D) above. If final plats covering all portions of the preliminary plat are not submitted within 24 months of approval of the preliminary plat, the preliminary plat shall be resubmitted in accordance with the provisions of § 154.020 through 154.027 and § 154.035 through 154.038.
(Ord. 25-89, passed 9-25-89; Am. Ord. 03-97, passed 2-24-97)