(A) Purpose. The purpose of the construction plans is to provide the village with final construction drawings and specifications for review and approval before the submission of the final plat.
(B) Application. Applications for construction plans approval shall contain such information as may be required from time to time by the Planning Commission and the City Manager, but in all instances shall contain the following:
(1) Title or cover sheet.
(2) A grading plan showing the limits of disturbed areas and their proximity to adjacent properties, resource protected land, and proposed green areas gifts and bridle trail easements.
(3) A typical cross section of the right-of-way at a scale not smaller than one-fourth of an inch equals one foot (1/4 = 1 ) shall show the location and widths of roadways and ditches; actual cross sections at minimum 100-foot intervals shall be shown along the alignment of the roadway. Where consider-able cut and fill are involved or wherever grading will affect adjacent properties, additional cross sections showing proposed grades will be required and their location shall be indicated on the plan.
(4) (a) Plan and profile sheets showing proposed street grades with location and sizes of storm and sanitary sewers, water mains, fire hydrants and guardrail. Scale: at an appropriate scale as determined by the City Manager.
(b) A final street profile plan: Street profile plans for each new street in the proposed subdivision shall be submitted in accordance with the standards of § 154.097(D). All plans shall be prepared under the supervision of a registered professional engineer whose experience and educational back-ground is civil engineering.
(5) Storm drainage facilities, as required by physical conditions of the site and drainage calculations shall be shown on the plans. Storm sewer systems, detention basins, and other storm water related items shall be designed in accordance with the current village rules and regulations for the construction, operation, maintenance, and use of the storm drainage system.
(6) Erosion control plan as provided in § 154.077, with construction schedule.
(7) Summary of construction quantities.
(8) Standard construction details.
(a) Standard construction details shall be in accordance with the City of the Village of Indian Hill Standard Construction Drawings. Any construction and material specification not covered in these drawings shall be governed by the latest edition of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications.
(b) Water main design shall be in accordance with the village's or City of Cincinnati Water Works Standards and Specifications, whichever is applicable.
(9) A final landscape plan. A landscape plan shall be prepared by a person qualified to practice landscape architecture and which conforms with the standards in § 154.095 through 154.103, § 154.110 through 154.116, § 154.150 through 154.154, and § 154.175. The final landscape plan shall contain the following information:
(a) Plant name, both Latin and English.
(b) Planting location.
(c) Number of plants in any one location.
(d) Total number of plants to be provided.
(10) A plan for any ornamental entranceway structure which is proposed for the subdivision.
(C) Staff review. Upon determining pursuant to § 154.022 that the application for construction plans approval is complete, the City Manager shall distribute the application for review as follows:
(1) One copy to the Village Engineer for his review.
(2) The City Manager shall retain two copies on file.
(D) City Manager review and approval. Within 14 working days from the date of receipt of a complete application for approval of the construction plans, unless such time is extended by mutual consent of the City Manager and the applicant, the City Manager shall review and approve, disapprove or approve with conditions, the construction plans.
(Ord. 25-89, passed 9-25-89; Am. Ord. 03-97, passed 2-24-97)