(A) General.
(1) The Planning Commission may, when it deems necessary for the health, comfort, safety and general welfare of the present or future population of the area and necessary to the conservation of water supplies and drainage sources, prohibit the subdivision of land requiring the use of septic tank and/or aerobic systems for the disposal of sanitary waste.
(2) No lots in a subdivision shall be sold or offered for sale, whether or not such sale involves a transfer of title or deed, until the developer has received approval of plans for a private system.
(B) Submission of proposal. Any subdivider who proposes to create a subdivision which utilizes private household sewage disposal systems shall first provide evidence in writing to the City Manager that the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency considers it to be impracticable or unadvisable to install a central sewage system pursuant to the applicable sections of the Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Sanitary Code and that individual on-site systems are permitted.
(C) Submission of plan. Upon submission of the information required pursuant to division (B) above, the subdivider shall submit to the City Board of Health for its review and approval a plan clearly showing that the installation of household sewage disposal systems will comply with all provisions of Chapter 50 (Sewer Regulations) and with the applicable provisions of the Ohio Sanitary Code. The plans shall show:
(1) The total land area to be used;
(2) Location and size of all lots;
(3) The properties and characteristics of the soils in the subdivision;
(4) Depth to normal ground water table and rock strata;
(5) Location of all bodies of water, streams, ditches, water lines, sewers, drain tile, or any other information which may affect the installation or operation of individual household sewage disposal systems; and
(6) Existing and finished grade of all lots.
(Ord. 25-89, passed 9-25-89)