Air Conditioning, Air Handling Equipment, and Electric Power Generators
1332.01   Definitions.
1332.02   Purpose.
1332.03   Compliance required.
1332.04   Permit required.
1332.05   Application requirements for air conditioning and air handling equipment.
1332.06   Sound level measurement.
1332.07   Application requirements for all electrical power generators.
1332.08   Residential location requirements.
1332.09   Non-residential location requirements.
1332.10   Enforcement by Building Commissioner; appeal.
1332.99   Penalty.
   1332.01 DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Air conditioning” or “air handling equipment” means any unit or combination of units, gas or electrically-operated, used for the cooling, heating or dehumidifying of spaces for human occupation in residential or commercial buildings, but shall not include ordinary window air conditioners, window or wall fans.
   (b)   “Electrical power generators” means any permanent unit or combination of permanent units, gas or combustible operated machinery used for the purpose of supplying electricity for human occupancy in residential or commercial buildings.
   (c)   “Sound” means a pulsation of air pressure capable of being heard.
   (d)   “Decibel” means the unit used to express sound pressure level and sound power level.
   (e)   “Sound level” means the reading in decibels taken with a sound level meter. Decibel is abbreviated “db”, and the abbreviation “dba” refers to decibels measured using the A scale on a meter.
   (f)   “SRN” means sound reading number.
      (Ord. 2008-58. Passed 11-11-08.)
   1332.02 PURPOSE.
   This chapter is designed to control loud and objectionable sounds which may be produced by air conditioning, air handling equipment or electrical power generators installed in or adjacent to a residential or commercial building.
(Ord. 2008-58. Passed 11-11-08.)