Part I. The Council
   201.01   Meetings
   201.02   Presiding officer
   201.03   Minutes
   201.04   Order of business
   201.05   Quorum and voting
   201.06   Ordinances, resolutions, motions, petitions and communications
   201.07   Committees
   201.08   Suspension or amendment of rules
   201.09   Salaries of Mayor and Council members
Part II. City Administrator
   202.01   Establishment
   202.02   Appointment
   202.03   Employment agreements
   202.04   Relationships
   202.05   Removal
   202.06   Duties and responsibilities
   202.07   Temporary appointment
Part III. City Clerk/Treasurer
   203.01   Establishment
   203.02   Appointment
   203.03   Official bond and oath of office
   203.04   Removal
   203.05   Duties and responsibilities
Part IV. Police Department
   204.01   Establishment
   204.02   Chief of Police
   204.03   Duties of police
   204.04   Uniform and badge
   204.05   Special police
Part V. Fire District
   205.01   City Fire District joint powers agreement
   205.02   City fire station
   205.03   Charges for emergency response fire service
Part VI. Planning Commission
   206.01   Establishment of Commission
   206.02   Composition
   206.03   Organization, meetings and the like
   206.04   Powers and duties of the Commission
   206.05   Zoning ordinances; public hearings
   206.06   Plats; approval
Part VII. Emergency Management Agency
   207.01   Act adopted
   207.02   Civil Defense Agency
   207.03   Powers and duties of Director
Part VIII. Personnel Policy
   208.01   Purpose
   208.02   Scope
   208.03   Employment
   208.04   City authority
   208.05   Probationary period
   208.06   Compensation
   208.07   Work hours and rules
   208.08   Personal leave with pay
   208.09   Other leaves
   208.10   Leave without pay
   208.11   Paid holiday leave shall be granted to all regular full-time employees
   208.12   Resignation
   208.13   Grievance policy
   208.14   Lay-offs
   208.15   Discipline
   208.16   Retirement policy
   208.17   Unlawful acts
   208.18   Penalty
   208.19   Use of city equipment and facilities
   208.20   Outside employment
   208.21   Personnel file
   208.22   Political activities; officers and employees
   208.23   Miscellaneous
   208.24   Purchasing policy
   208.25   Expense reimbursement
   208.26   Group health insurance
   208.27   Employment reviews
   208.28   Affirmative action
   208.29   Job descriptions
   208.30   Rest and lunch periods
   208.31   Criminal history background checks
Part IX. Police Personnel Policy
   209.01   Purpose
   209.02   Scope
   209.03   Procedure for investigation and resolution of allegations of misconduct
   209.04   Hours of work/duties
   209.05   When assisting other departments
   209.06   When and when not public information
Part X. Abandoned Property
   210.01   Abandoned motor vehicles
   210.02   Other abandoned property
   210.03   Storage of property in open areas