(A)   Generally.
      (1)   Zoning ordinances. No zoning ordinance or amendment shall be adopted by the Planning Commission without notice requirements as provided in M.S. § 462.357, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time, or without conforming to § 100.05 of this code of ordinances.
      (2)   Plats adopted by ordinance. The plats within the following ordinances, and any and all amendments thereto, are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if set out in full:
         (a)   Ordinance 189, passed October 12, 1999;
         (b)   Ordnance 205, passed December 12, 2001;
         (c)   Ordinance 210, passed January 14, 2004;
         (d)   Ordinance 212, passed May 19, 2004;
         (e)   Ordnance 219, passed August 8, 2007; and
         (f)   Ordinance 229, passed February 12, 2014.
   (B)   Westview addition. Whereas, certain territory described below is not presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or borough; and whereas, 60% or more of the perimeter of this territory is bordered by lands already included within the corporate limits of the city and is deemed to be urban or suburban in character; the City Council ordains the following.
      (1)   Territory annexed. The corporate limits of the city are hereby extended to include the unplatted territory described as follows: 60 person or more of the perimeter of which territory is bordered by territory already included within city limits: that part of the southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 112 North, Range 26 West, Sibley County, Minnesota, described as follows: beginning at a point on the west line of the southwest quarter of Section 12, which is 550 feet south of the northwest corner of said southwest quarter of Section 12, said point being the point of beginning of the tract to be described, and from said point proceeding, thence north along the west line of said southwest quarter of Section 12 for a distance of 550 feet to the northwest corner of said southwest quarter, and thence east along the north line of said southwest quarter for a distance of 294 feet; and thence south on a line parallel with and 294 feet easterly of west line of said southwest quarter for a distance of 476.40 feet; and thence along a straight line in a westerly and southwesterly direction to and terminating at the point of beginning.
      (2)   Filing. The City Clerk is directed to file certified copies of this chapter with the Secretary of State, the County Auditor of the county in which the property is located, the Town Clerk of the affected township and the state’s Municipal Board.
      (3)   Population. The population of the annexed territory is zero.
      (4)   Effective date of annexation. This chapter takes effect upon passage and publication and the filing of certified copies as directed in division (B)(2) above and approval by the state’s Municipal Board.