He or she:
   (A)   Directs the administration of the city as provided by Council action, state and federal statutes and local ordinances, laws, resolutions and agreements;
   (B)   Prepares reports and summaries relating to contemplated municipal projects and/or improvements and submits them with recommendations as may be required to the Council and submits quarterly reports to the Council on the financial condition of the city accounts;
   (C)   Prepares the annual fiscal budget and maintains financial guidelines for the municipality within the scope of the approved budget;
   (D)   Assists in preparation of the annual financial statement;
   (E)   Attends and participates in all Council meetings. Attends, at his or her discretion or by invitation, or by direction of the Council any other committee and/or commission meetings;
   (F)   Coordinates municipal programs and activities as authorized by the Council, supervises activities of all municipal employees and is given the authority to interview and screen prospective city employees, as permitted by law and is able to make recommendations as to employment and removal of employees to the City Council;
   (G)   Works in cooperation with the Council’s appointed attorney, engineer, auditor, assessor or consultant, and monitors or assists with any work, contractual or otherwise, performed by these professionals;
   (H)   Prepares news releases, develops and discusses public relations material with all concerned as required. Maintains good public relations with the general public. Handles correspondence on behalf of the Council;
   (I)   Consults with appointed officials and with other public or private agencies as may be required;
   (J)   Is fully informed regarding federal, state and county programs that affect municipality;
   (K)   Serves as the personnel officer for the city and enforces and upholds all such authorized ordinances and resolutions;
   (L)   Serves as the City Council’s liaison and intermediary with the general public and other commissions and boards;
   (M)   Recommends from time to time the adoption of such measures, as he or she may deem necessary or expedient for protecting the health, safety and welfare of the community or for the improvement of the administration of city departments;
   (N)   Prepares the City Council agenda;
   (O)   Is responsible for the preparation of the Planning and Zoning Commission agendas and acts as Zoning Administrator;
   (P)   Performs any other tasks the City Council feels are necessary and within the scope of duties to be performed by the City Administrator; and
   (Q)   The City Administrator shall be the data privacy officer for the city.