2-1-1: Created
2-1-2: Chairperson
2-1-3: Committees
2-1-4: Meetings
2-1-5: Quorum
2-1-6: Voting
2-1-7: Secretary Designated
2-1-8: Notice Of Meetings
2-1-9: Powers And Duties
2-1-10: Cooperation Of City Personnel; Financial Liability
2-1-11: Types Of Hearings
2-1-12: Determinations
2-1-13: Appeals Of Planning And Zoning Commission Decisions
2-1-14: Supplemental Procedural Rules
A. Commission Established: Pursuant to the authority conferred by Idaho Code section 67-6504, there is hereby created a planning and zoning commission for the city.
B. Membership: The planning and zoning commission shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed and confirmed as provided by state law. Five (5) members shall be residents within the city. The sixth and seventh members may reside in that portion of unincorporated Kootenai County identified as being the city's "area of city impact" or within Kootenai County. A member outside of the city and not within the city's "area of city impact" shall have an interest in real property within the city and must remain a property owner in the city during service on the commission. All members must meet the residency requirements of state law.
1. An appointed member of a commission must have resided in the county for at least two (2) years prior to appointment, and must remain a resident of the county during service on the commission.
2. No person shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms without specific concurrence by two-thirds (2/3) of the governing board adopted by motion and recorded in the minutes.
C. Term Of Office: The term of office for all members shall be five (5) years. A member shall discontinue service on his/her anniversary date, unless and until reappointed and confirmed for an additional term of service. In order to stagger terms and maintain continuity in subsequent years, the first members of the commission appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council following passage of the ordinance codified herein shall serve the following terms: two (2) initial members shall serve terms of three (3) years in length; two (2) initial members shall serve terms of four (4) years in length; and three (3) initial members shall serve terms of five (5) years in length. Mayoral appointments of the initial membership shall specify the term of appointment.
D. Vacancies, Removal And Compensation: Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of terms shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. Members may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the city council. Members shall be selected without respect to political affiliation. Members shall serve without compensation, except as authorized by state law. (Ord. 559, 7-12-2016)
Once every year, at its first regular meeting in January, the planning and zoning commission shall select one of its members as chairperson and one of its members as vice chairperson. In the case of the absence of the chairperson and vice chairperson, the members present at any meeting shall select one of the members in attendance to act as chairperson pro tempore. (Ord. 559, 7-12-2016)
The planning and zoning commission may establish subcommittees, advisory committees or neighborhood groups to advise and assist the commission in carrying out its responsibilities. Any such committees shall comply in all respects with the open meeting law of the state. (Ord. 559, 7-12-2016)