Zoning Permits, Certificates and Fees
1440.01   Definitions.
1440.02   Zoning permit or certificate of occupancy required.
1440.03   Filing of plans.
1440.04   Approval of plans.
1440.05   Zoning permit issuance.
1440.06   Inspection of footing.
1440.07   Final inspection.
1440.08   Certificate of occupancy.
1440.09   Construction time limits; permit renewal; fee.
1440.10   Time extension.
1440.11   Amended zoning permit; fee.
1440.12   Temporary use permit; fee.
1440.13   Zoning permit fees.
1440.14   Fees for construction bid documents.
1440.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29, 737.28, 737.37
   Removal of unsafe structures - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B), 715.261
   Power to regulate fences, billboards and signs - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
   Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
   Ohio State building standards - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3781
   Ohio Building Code - see Ohio R.C. 3781.10
   Required submission of plans of public buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
   Fees for plan approval - see Ohio R.C. 3791.07
   Permit and fee for moving buildings - see B. & H. 1456.01 et seq.
1440.01   DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Person" means any firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation as well as any individual.
   (b)   The present tense includes the future tense and the singular includes the plural and the plural the singular.
   (c)   "Shall" is mandatory and "may" is permissive.
   (d)   "Used" or "occupied" includes "intended, designed or arranged to be used or occupied."
   (e)   "Building" includes "structure."
   (f)   "Dwelling" includes "residence."
   (g)   "Lot" includes "plot" or "parcel."
   Terms not herein defined shall have the meanings given in Article 3.02 of the Zoning Ordinances, being Ordinance 72-46, passed May 9, 1972.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)
   No use of any land or improvement of any building or structural change outside of the existing walls of any building shall be made and no structure shall be placed, erected or located on any platted or unplatted lands unless the structure, improvement or use and the location thereof conform to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 72-46, passed May 9, 1972) and unless a zoning permit or a certificate of occupancy for the structure has first been obtained from the Director of Public Safety and Service and/or the Mayor. No contractor or subcontractor shall enter into the performance of any contract with any owner or lessee of any building or lot in the City for the improvement of any structure or lot until such owner, lessee or an agent of either has first obtained and posted, in clear view on the street side of the premises, a zoning permit issued by the Director and/or the Mayor as required by the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 72-46, passed May 9, 1972).
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)