No person in any zoning district subject to the conditions provided in Article 18.13 of the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 72-46, passed May 9, 1972), shall use any temporary building, structure, storage yard or office or have any gathering, under canvas or in the open, until there has been issued therefor a temporary use permit by the Director of Public Safety and Service and/or the Mayor. The fee for a temporary use permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)
The fees for all zoning permits required by the Zoning Ordinance shall be as follows:
(a) Residential.
(1) Single-family unit $ 75.00
(2) Two-family unit 100.00
(3) Multifamily units.
For the first unit 125.00
For each additional unit 25.00
(4) Residential building additions. Room addition,
covered porch, attached patio cover or carport
and enclosure of an existing porch, patio cover
or carport, when such enclosure is not within the
existing foundation of the structure 15.00
Plus, for each 100 square feet of floor area or
fraction thereof 3.00
(5) Swimming pools 25.00
(6) Satellite dish (over 3 feet) 25.00
(7) Residential accessory buildings.
A. Lawn storage buildings.
100 square feet or less $ 20.00
Over 100 to 200 square feet 20.00
Over 200 to 300 square feet 20.00
B. Detached garages, carports or patio covers.
300 square feet or less 25.00
Over 300 to 400 square feet 25.00
Over 400 to 600 square feet 25.00
Over 600 square feet 25.00
Plus, for each additional 100 square feet of
floor area or fraction thereof in excess of
600 square feet No fee
(b) Commercial, Industrial, Church and Other Nonprofit Organizations.
(1) Buildings under 5,000 square feet 200.00
(2) Buildings 5,000 square feet or more but less
than 10,000 square feet 300.00
(3) Buildings 10,000 square feet or more but less
than 20,000 square feet 500.00
(4) Buildings more than 20,000 square feet 700.00
(5) Commercial and industrial building additions.
For each 100 square feet of floor area or fraction
thereof 5.00
(6) Commercial and industrial accessory buildings.
For each 100 square feet of floor area or fraction
thereof 5.00
(7) Fences. 15.00
(8) Signs.
A. Subdivision signs 15.00
B. Business or industrial signs 20.00
(c) Certificates of Occupancy. For a certificate of occupancy, when
not issued with a zoning permit 30.00
The above permit fees shall cover the isssuance of all permits and all inspections needed to comply with the provisions of Sections 1440.01 to 1440.12 and of the Zoning Ordinance, but shall be in addition to any license or other fee imposed by local, State and/or Federal law.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95; Ord. 00-146. Passed 10-17-00.)
(a) The fees for bidding documents for construction projects shall be as follows:
(1) Specification books, $30.00 per book;
(2) Blueprints, $1.00 per page for the first set, with additional sets available in accordance with Section 240.04 of the Administration Code.
(b) The cost of the construction bidding documents, as set forth above, shall be paid by the recipient thereof, either prior to or at the time of such recipient's receipt of such bidding documents and no such bidding document shall be forwarded to any such recipient until full payment has been made for such bidding documents to the City.
(c) The cost of the construction bidding documents, as set forth above, shall be declared to be a nonrefundable cost, regardless of whether or not the purchaser thereof actually submits a bid on the relevant construction project.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95; Ord. 00-146. Passed 10-17-00.)
Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)