   If the building, structure or use complies with all the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 72-46, passed May 9, 1972), the Director of Public Safety and Service and/or the Mayor shall issue to the owner, lessee or agent of the premises a completed certificate of occupancy. No person shall use or occupy any building without first being issued a certificate of occupancy.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)
   No owner, lessee or agent who has had his plans and application approved and has been issued a zoning permit shall fail to commence construction within a period of one year after the date the permit was issued or fail to complete construction within a period of two and one-half years after such date of issuance. In the event of such failure, the permit shall be terminated and revoked. Any person may, at any time prior to the expiration or revocation of such permit, submit an application to renew the zoning permit, together with a renewal fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). The renewal shall be for a period equivalent to the period of issuance of the original permit, that is, the party renewing shall commence construction within a period of six months from the date of renewal and complete construction within a period of three years after the date of renewal. Additional extensions may be granted in accordance with Section 1440.10.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)
   The holder of a permit may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for an extension of the time limits stated in Section 1440.09. The permit holder shall be required to file an application with the Secretary of the Board ten days prior to the expiration date of the permit and shall state in the application the reasons why he was unable to commence or complete construction within the required time limits. If an extension of time is approved, the Board shall notify the Zoning Inspector as to the length of time the Board has given the permit holder to commence or complete the construction. If the Board disapproves the extension of time, the permit shall be revoked when the time limits expire.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)
   The holder of a permit may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals to change the plans for which the permit was issued. The permit holder shall submit an application for an amended zoning permit to the Secretary of the Board ten days prior to the meeting of the Board at which action is desired. The application shall be submitted with four sets of revised plans and a letter stating the exact changes to be made in the original plans submitted, together with a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). If the changes are approved, the Board shall instruct the Director of Public Safety and Service and/or the Mayor to issue an amended zoning permit to the applicant. If the changes are not approved, the applicant shall complete the construction according to the original plans.
(Ord. 95-18. Passed 2-7-95.)