General Provisions
50.001 Rules and regulations
50.002 Service installation
50.003 Meter installations
50.004 Inoperative meters
50.005 Complaints
50.006 Payment of bills; collection charge; insufficient funds
50.007 Disconnection charge; reconnection
50.008 Damage to utility facilities
50.009 Customer false call-out
50.010 Capital cost reimbursement requirements for developers requiring on-site electric distribution facilities
50.011 Removal from jurisdiction of State Utility Regulatory Commission
50.012 Payment in lieu of taxes
Residential Service (RS)
50.025 Availability
50.026 Character of service
50.027 Rate
50.028 Minimum monthly charge
50.029 Conditions of service
50.030 Energy cost adjustment tracking factor
General Service (GS)
50.045 Availability
50.046 Character of service
50.047 Monthly rate
50.048 Minimum monthly charge
50.049 Energy cost adjustment tracking factor
50.050 Conditions of service
50.051 Determination of billing demand
50.052 Power factor
Green Power Program
50.065 Availability
50.066 Character of service
50.067 Monthly rate
50.068 Maximum monthly purchase
50.069 Conditions of service
50.070 Minimum monthly charges
50.071 Metering
50.072 Terms and conditions of service
50.073 Rate adjustment
Net Metering
50.074 Availability
50.075 Character of service
50.076 Monthly rate
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
50.105 Availability
50.106 Character of service
50.107 Rate
Security Lighting (SL)
50.120 Availability
50.121 Character of service
50.122 Rate
50.123 Extra charges
50.124 Billing
Industrial Service (IS)
50.135 Availability
50.136 Character of service
50.137 Monthly rate
50.138 Minimum monthly charge
50.139 Determination of billing demand
50.140 Power factor
50.141 Energy cost adjustment tracking factor
Peak Management Credits
50.155 Availability
50.156 Credits
Municipal Street Lighting (ML)
50.170 Availability
50.171 Character of service
Non-recurring Charges
50.185 Schedule of non-recurring charges
The following rules and regulations for the use of electricity and protection of equipment shall be in force.
(A) Customers shall make written application for service at the customer service office through a customer support representative at least 24 hours prior to the time service is required, specifying in the application the location and kind of service required.
(B) Customers, moving or in any manner changing the location or nature of the service, shall notify a customer support representative at once of such change, and any new customer desiring service at such vacated or changed location shall immediately make application for service at such location.
(C) The Manager for the city’s power and light utility shall locate the point of service entrance and the location of the meter, which shall be as close as possible under the circumstances to the city’s service lines.
(D) No meter shall hereafter be located inside any residence or in any other building or structure where such meter will not be plainly visible and at all times accessible to the Manager of the city’s power and light utility, and at a height it can be easily read from the floor. All meters installed prior to the enactment of this chapter may be changed by agreement with the customer.
(E) When service to any customer is discontinued, by reason of such customer having vacated the location served or on account of delinquency in the payment of any charge against such customer, and in the judgment of the Manager of the city’s power and light utility the service entrance of the meter at such location is inconveniently or improperly located, service shall not be restored, continued, or renewed at such location until such service entrance or meter is relocated or changed to a place designated by the Manager of the city’s power and light utility.
(F) Whenever any new service entrance is located or changed, or any meter is installed or its location changed, each installation shall be made with a type of cable and in such boxes or receptacles that can be sealed so that such meter cannot in any manner be tampered with, wired around, or in any other manner interfered with to prevent its registering the correct amount of current passing through.
(G) (1) No customer shall be hereafter connected or reconnected for service by the electric utility or entitled to receive electricity from that Department until such customer shall apply at the customer support office hours for such service, pay all delinquencies, if any, standing against such customer, and make a deposit with such customer support representative according to the class of service desired, as follows:
(a) For residence connection, two months estimated electrical bill, but in no event less than $25;
(b) For office connection, two months estimated electrical bill, but in no event, less than $25; or
(c) For power connection, two months estimated electrical bill, but in no event less than $25.
(2) The deposit shall be held and retained by the Utility Cashier (Ut) for the use and benefit of such customer, and shall be returned to the customer with interest at the rate of 3% per annum from the time of deposit whenever the customer shall discontinue the use of such service, after deducting therefrom any amount that may be owing by the customer to the city as a charge for such service. No interest shall be paid on deposits held less than six months.
(H) No customer shall be permitted to resell the current furnished to him or her at a higher rate than billed to him or her.
(I) (1) The meters furnished to measure and register the current furnished to customers are the absolute property of the city and moving, altering, tampering with, connecting, or disconnecting such meters or meter equipment, or connection, or in any manner rendering the same inaccessible or difficult to read by the Manager of the city’s power and light utility or authorized employees of the city’s power and light utility, is prohibited.
(2) Authorized employees or representatives of the city shall have the right of access to its meters or meter equipment at all reasonable hours for the purposes of inspecting, testing, or reading the same.
(J) The city shall have the right to discontinue service for any of the following reasons:
(1) While making repairs or alterations to the system or any part thereof;
(2) Breakdown in the generating or distributing system;
(3) Nonpayment of bills when due;
(4) Interfering or tampering with equipment, appliances, meters, or connections;
(5) Failure on the part of any customer to comply with these rules; and
(6) Whenever, in the judgment of the Manager of the city’s power and light utility, the wiring in or on customer’s premises is in such condition as to be dangerous.
(Prior Code, § 30.08) (Ord. 1960-10, passed 6-1-1960; Ord. 2019-25, passed on 5-13-2020)
The city’s power and light utility shall place all services from its pole line to the attachments on customer’s buildings or structures, or other point designated by the city. The customer shall furnish proper entrance therefor as described in the rules and regulations of the Electric Department of the city.
(Prior Code, § 30.04) (Ord. 1961-11, passed 3-22-1961; Ord. 2019-25, passed on 5-13-2020)