The following parties shall be eligible to secure permits to cut or open streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public grounds:
A. Public Utility Corporations. Any public utility corporation having a franchise to operate in any street, alley, or other public grounds in the City.
B. Licensed Plumbers. Licensed plumbers bonded by the City.
C. City-owned Utility Departments. The water and light departments owned and operated by the City under the direction of the utility director.
D. Others Performing Services. Others performing services under contract for the City with approved surety bonds on file.
E. Persons Requesting Lowered Curbs. Any person requesting a lowered curb for a driveway entrance or parking area in back of a curb.
The application for a permit to make a pavement or sidewalk cut shall be made to the City Public Works Department and shall show the name of the party seeking the permit, the location of the duty or opening to be made, the purpose for which the same is to be made and any other pertinent information the City may require. No permit or fee is required for the lowering (milling) of a curb for ADA compliant handicap sidewalk ramps.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9205, effective 02/25/09)
The party applying for a permit to make a pavement or sidewalk cut shall pay to the City at the time such permit is issued a fee in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule, which amount shall be credited to the general fund of the City. No fee shall be charged for those performing services under contract for the City, but a permit shall be required. A single (blanket) permit may be issued with no fee to a contractor working in multiple locations throughout the City as directed by the City. If work is commenced prior to application for the permit, an investigation fee, in accordance with the current Grand Island Fee Schedule shall be assessed. Each permit shall expire six months from date of issuance.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9205, effective 02/25/09) (Amended by Ord. No. 9826, effective 06/09/21)
A. Public utility corporations operating in the City under a franchise, licensed plumbers, city owned utility departments, parties lowering curbs for a driveway entrance, parties performing services under contract for the City, and other permittees, shall at their own expense make such cuts or openings in streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public grounds according to specifications hereinafter provided. If the surface of any such cut or opening made in any street, alley, sidewalk, or public grounds should thereafter become defective within two years by reason of settling, faulty workmanship, or materials, the same shall upon notice from the public works director be immediately repaired and restored to the satisfaction of said director at no expense to the City. If such party fails to repair or replace such faulty work within a reasonable time, the City shall proceed to make such necessary repairs and restore the surface of such cut or opening, and the expense incurred by the City shall immediately be paid by the one to whom the permit to make such cut or opening was issued.
B. Public utility corporations operating in the City under a franchise, licensed plumbers, city owned utility departments, parties lowering curbs for a driveway entrance, parties performing services under contract for the City and other permittees, shall after receiving a permit to have a cut or opening made in any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public ground, if such cut or opening is to be made by the City, give at least forty-eight (48) hours notice before such pavement or sidewalk cut shall be made by the City for them, provided, that when such notice is given to the City on Friday or the day before any legal holiday, the time period shall extend to at least 1 p.m. of the second regular City workday. When desiring to have the replacement of any cut or opening made, the same time limit shall apply as when making application for a permit. The removal of the material from the area cut, the excavation thereunder and the backfill to subgrade, shall be the responsibility of the applicant and shall be performed according to the provisions of the Grand Island City Code, as amended.
C. Parties performing services under contract for the City shall, after making application for a permit to make such cuts or openings in streets, alleys, sidewalk, and public grounds, proceed according to specifications as provided in their contracts.
D. All integral curbs to be removed for driveway entrances (if not milled by the City) shall be sawed and removed as per standard plans on file in the office of the city engineer. When the curb to be removed is part of the curb and gutter, the entire curb and gutter shall be removed to the nearest contraction joints beyond the width of the opening required.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9205, effective 02/25/09)