No person, firm or corporation shall maintain, alter or repair any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment unless such person, firm or corporation first obtains a permit from the Building Department, or unless such person, firm or corporation, or the work involved, is specifically exempted by this chapter.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
An application for a permit shall be filed in writing with the Building Department on a form furnished for that purpose and signed by the applicant. The application shall give the correct address of the work and describe and enumerate the work, with such other information as may be required.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
Drawings and specifications shall be required, in sufficient detail, to enable the Electrical Inspector to determine that any proposed work for which a permit has been applied for will be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
Fees for electrical permits shall be as provided in Section 109.13 of the Administrative Code.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
All electrical materials, devices, fixtures, appliances, illuminated signs and other equipment used or installed in the City shall be of a type approved by the Board of Building Standards. Unless specifically disapproved by formal action of the Board, electrical materials, devices, fixtures, appliances, illuminated signs and other equipment that bear the label of approval of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or any other agency approved by the State Board of Building Standards, shall be deemed approved by the Board.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)