No person, firm or corporation shall install, maintain, alter or repair, or engage in the business of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing, within the City, any electrical wiring, devices, apparatus or equipment unless such person, firm or corporation has received from the City, in accordance with the regulations herein provided, an electrical contractor's registration and certificate for the same, unless such person is employed by and working under the direction of a holder of an Elyria City electrical registration. However, the electrical registration regulations of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
(a) The installation, alteration or repair of electrical generation, transmission or distribution equipment, and the utilization of equipment owned and operated by an electrical public utility company or the City;
(b) The installation, alteration or repair of signal or communication equipment, where such equipment is owned and operated by a public utility company or the City;
(c) Any work on ships, railway cars, trackless trolleys, buses, aircraft and automobiles;
(d) Any work in connection with electrical equipment used for radio and television transmission and reception, but not including supply wires to such equipment;
(e) Any work involved in the manufacturing or testing of electrical equipment or apparatus, but not including any permanent wiring or equipment;
(f) Any work associated with:
(1) The repair of plug-connected electrical appliances or devices; or
(2) Permanently connected electrical appliances or devices which have been electrically and mechanically disconnected and separated from all sources of electrical supply by a registered electrical contractor. The opening of switches or the blowing or removal of fuses shall not be considered as electrical or mechanical disconnection or separation.
(g) The installation or replacement of approved fuses which are not oversized for the circuit involved;
(h) The installation or replacement of approved pin-type lamps, screw-base lamps or plug- connected portable appliances which do not overload the circuit involved and are not located in hazardous locations.
Other exceptions from the provisions of this chapter are as set forth in Section 1321.07.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
An application for registration shall be made in writing to the Building Department, stating the name, address and place of business of the principal of the firm or corporation making the application who will act as the supervisor of the work to be performed under the registration. All applications for registration shall be reviewed by the Electrical Inspector and the Building Inspector.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
Each applicant for a registration issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall have obtained a state license which was issued pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 4740. In the event any registered holder is associated with or employed by a business and such association with or the employment of the holder of a City registration is terminated, such business shall notify the Building Official within ten days of such termination and such registration shall become void after 90 days unless another associate or employee of said business, licensed by the State of Ohio, becomes registered. No registration or certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be assignable or transferable.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
Any registered electrical contractor's registration may be suspended or revoked by the Building Inspector in accordance with Section 1321.05.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)