Drawings and specifications shall be required, in sufficient detail, to enable the Electrical Inspector to determine that any proposed work for which a permit has been applied for will be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
Fees for electrical permits shall be as provided in Section 109.13 of the Administrative Code.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
All electrical materials, devices, fixtures, appliances, illuminated signs and other equipment used or installed in the City shall be of a type approved by the Board of Building Standards. Unless specifically disapproved by formal action of the Board, electrical materials, devices, fixtures, appliances, illuminated signs and other equipment that bear the label of approval of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or any other agency approved by the State Board of Building Standards, shall be deemed approved by the Board.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
(a) All electrical wiring and equipment installed, altered, replaced or repaired in or about any building, structure or premises with the City of Elyria shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Electrical Inspector.
(b) No electrical wiring or parts thereof shall be covered or concealed until the Electrical Inspector has approved the installation and given permission to cover or conceal the same. It shall be the duty of the person obtaining the permit to give 24 hours notice to the Electrical Inspector when work is ready for inspection. Work shall be inspected as soon as possible after receipt of such notice and, when found to conform to the provisions of this chapter, an official notice of approval shall be posted in a conspicuous place by the Electrical Inspector.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
(a) All work covered by this chapter shall be submitted for final inspection and approval before being placed in service.
(b) Tests necessary to verify that an installation is in conformity with the requirements of this chapter shall be performed in the presence of the Electrical Inspector and any equipment, material, power and labor necessary for such tests shall be furnished by the holder of the permit.
(c) When an inspection shows that work submitted for inspection is incomplete or not in conformity with the requirements of this chapter, the permit holder shall make the necessary corrections or additions and request a re-inspection.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)
This chapter shall not be construed as imposing on the City any liability or responsibility for damages resulting from any defective electrical work or equipment or the installation thereof, nor shall the City or any official or employee thereof be held to assume any liability or responsibility by reason of any act or action taken in enforcing the provisions of this chapter or carrying out the duties authorized and required by this chapter. Any lawsuit or action brought against any City official, employee or board member by reason of any action, or an action committed in the discharge of his or her duties under this chapter, shall be defended by the City Solicitor until the final termination of proceedings in such action.
(Ord. 97-38. Passed 2-3-97; Ord. 2004-116. Passed 8-2-04.)