Any alarm system business which operates a central station and any telephone answering service shall:
   (a)   Have sufficient personnel who are trained in the procedures to be followed in receiving and relaying a notice of the activation of any alarm system on duty at all times to ensure that emergency messages or alarm signals received by such business can be relayed immediately to the Police Division or the Fire Division;
   (b)   Notify the person in control of the property or his or her designated employee of the activation of the alarm system within twenty-four hours of the time the alarm was activated, by telephone or by placing such notice in the mail, addressed to the person in control of the property;
   (c)   Keep a written record of the date and time each notification of the activation of an alarm system is received and the date, time and method by which the person in control of the property or his or her designated employee was notified. Such records shall be retained for at least two years and shall be made available for inspection by any member of the Police Division or the Fire Division designated by the Chief of Police or the Fire Chief to inspect such records, when such a member makes demand at the office of the alarm system business or telephone answering service during regular business hours.
   (d)   Test or cause to be tested all equipment used by the Police Division, the Fire Division or the telephone answering service relating to the receipt of notifications of the activation of any alarm system and the equipment used in relaying those notifications to the Police Division or the Fire Division, at least one time in every twelve-month period, and, where a test result is unsatisfactory, correct or cause to be corrected, within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed seven days, the cause of the unsatisfactory test result;
   (e)   Produce evidence of the results of tests conducted pursuant to subsection (d) hereof, upon request of a member of the Police Division or the Fire Division; and
   (f)   Not provide answering services for any alarm system business which is not licensed by the State.
(Ord. 87-193. Passed 6-1-87.)