(a)   If, for any reason, a permit is subject to revocation as set forth in this chapter, the permit holder shall receive written notice of the revocation at least twenty days prior to the revocation. The notice shall state:
      (1)   The reason for the revocation;
      (2)   That the permit holder has a right to request a hearing for any just cause; and
      (3)   That the request for a hearing must be filed with the Safety-Service Director within twenty days of the date of the mailing of the notice.
   (b)   The timely filing of the request for a hearing shall stay revocation until the hearing. If the request for hearing is not timely filed, the permit shall be revoked after the expiration of the twenty days. The notice shall be forwarded to the permit holder by certified mail to the address of the person in control of the premises where the alarm system is located or to the alarm site.
   (c)   All hearings shall be held by the Safety-Service Director or his or her designated impartial hearing officer. All hearings shall be conducted under rules and procedures consistent with the nature of the proceedings. The City shall present sufficient evidence to establish a prima facie case for revocation under this chapter. The permit holder may present evidence of any just cause to deny the revocation. The hearing officer shall notify the permit holder of the findings, in writing, and of the immediate revocation if there is sufficient grounds for revocation.
   (d)   Upon receipt of notice of revocation and the expiration of the twenty days without filing a request for a hearing or after notice of revocation from the hearing officer, the permit holder shall surrender the permit.
(Ord. 87-193. Passed 6-1-87.)