Cable Service and Competitive Video Service
711.01   Definitions.
711.02   Grant of authority.
711.03   Level playing field.
711.04   Fees for operation of cable service and competitive video service.
711.05   Right-of-way provisions.
711.06   Permits to operate systems in the City.
711.07   Service rates to subscribers.
711.08   Scope.
711.09   Public and community benefits.
711.10   Service to schools and public buildings.
711.11   Indemnification.
711.12   Insurance and bonding.
711.13   Assignment.
711.14   Equipment installation.
711.15   Adoption of FCC Customer Service Standards.
711.16   VSP fees.
711.99   Penalty.
   Cable television contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.90 et seq.
   Interrupting or impairing television service - see Ohio R.C. 2909.04
   Regulation of political broadcasts - see Ohio R.C. 3599.09
   "Property" defined to include cable television service - see GEN. OFF. 501.01
   Cable television service defined - see GEN. OFF. 545.01
   Use of public way by service provider - see S. & P.S. Ch. 921
   Cellular communication sites - see P. & Z. Ch. 1186