An application for a permit for the operation of an alarm system shall be made by a person having control over the property on which the alarm system is to be installed and operated. Such application shall be made in writing to the Safety-Service Director on a form designated by the City for that purpose. On such application, the applicant shall set forth:
   (a)   The name, address and telephone number of each person in control of the property;
   (b)   The street address of the property on which the alarm system is installed and operated;
   (c)   Any business name used for the premises on which the alarm system is installed and operated;
   (d)   Whether or not the alarm system is a local alarm and whether or not the alarm system is designed to give notice of a burglary, hold-up or other type of emergency;
   (e)   The name of the person or alarm system business who installed or will install the alarm system;
   (f)   The names and telephone numbers of two persons, or of an alarm system business, who or which is able to and has agreed to:
      (1)   Receive notification at any time;
      (2)   Come to the alarm site within one and one-half hours after receiving a request from a member of the Police Division or the Fire Division to do so; and
      (3)   Grant access to the alarm site and deactivate the alarm system if such becomes necessary;
   (g)   The name and telephone number of an alarm system business which is able to and has agreed to receive calls at any time and to give the Police Division or the Fire Division the names of persons listed with that company as set forth in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) hereof if:
      (1)   The permit holder has given the alarm system business the names and telephone numbers of two persons who are able to and have agreed to receive notification at any time, to come to the alarm site within one and one-half hours after receiving a request from a member of the Police Division or the Fire Division to do so, to grant access to the alarm site and to deactivate the alarm system if necessary.
      (2)   Whenever a person listed with the alarm company pursuant to paragraph (g)(1) hereof is unwilling or unable to perform the duties set out, the permit holder gives the alarm system business the name and telephone number of another person who is able and willing to perform the duties so that at least two persons able and willing to perform such duties are listed with the alarm system business at all times.
      (3)   The permit holder has authorized the alarm system business to provide the names listed with that business pursuant to paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) hereof to the Police Division or the Fire Division whenever that Division has requested that information in order to obtain assistance after an alarm has been activated.
   (h)   Whether or not all fees charged to such applicant under Sections 703.07, 703.20 and 703.21, if applicable, have been paid.
   Such application shall be subscribed to by the person making application for the permit.
   The Safety-Service Director shall issue a permit to the individual, corporation, partnership or other legal entity in control of the property upon submission of an application therefor in accordance with this section and upon payment of the permit fee, unless the Director finds that any statement made in the application was incomplete or false.
   Immediately after receipt of the application for a permit and payment of the permit fee, the Director shall forward the application to the Police Division or the Fire Division. The Police Division and the Fire Division shall protect all information on such application as confidential information. However, nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the use of such information for legitimate law enforcement purposes and for enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 87-133. Passed 6-1-87.)