EDITOR'S NOTE: The Police Division was formerly known as the Police Department. Its title was changed to conform to Section 6.07 of the Charter. References throughout these Codified Ordinances to the Police Department shall be deemed to mean the Police Division.
The City executes labor agreements from time to time with the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, which agreements provide for wages, benefits and conditions of employment for full-time police officers, dispatchers and sergeants. The provisions of this chapter and of Chapter 246, therefore, apply only to those members of the Division, and to those subjects, not otherwise provided for in such agreements. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and agreements may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
242.01 Composition.
242.02 Age requirement for original appointment.
242.03 Private policemen.
242.04 Special school patrol officers.
242.05 Auxiliary Police Unit.
242.06 Outside emergency calls.
242.07 Law Enforcement Trust Fund.
242.08 Reserve Police Unit.
Original appointment; probationary period and age - see Ohio R.C. 124.27, 124.30, 124.41
Promotions - see Ohio R.C. 124.31, 124.44
Reductions, suspensions and removals - see Ohio R.C. 124.34 et seq., 737.12
Sick leave - see Ohio R.C. 124.38
Civil service application - see Ohio R.C. 124.43, 737.051, 737.10, 737.11
Composition and control - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.05
Police Chief - see Ohio R.C. 737.06
Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.07
Appointment of emergency patrolmen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
Overtime for patrolmen and dispatchers working on holidays - see ADM. 246.06(c), (d)
Uniforms - see ADM. 246.18
Closing of streets for emergency - see TRAF. 404.10
Assaulting police dog or horse - see GEN. OFF. 642.24
Enforcement of park rules - see S.U. & P.S. 1060.01