The following rules and regulations shall be observed and obeyed by all users of the East Palestine City Park and its facilities and shall be enforced by the Park Manager and the Police Division:
   (a)   No person may use a Park table unless such use is registered at the Park office.
   (b)   No person shall remove, deface or damage any bench, table, cooking facility, playground or other Park equipment.
(Ord. 1341. Passed 10-15-56.)
   (c)   No person shall bring into or consume on Park property any intoxicating liquor, wine or beer, except as permitted at a special event authorized by the Municipal Manager. Authorization shall be granted only upon written application to the Municipal Manager, received by the Municipal Manager at least ninety (90) days prior to the proposed special event. The application shall specify all information requested by the Municipal Manager, including, but not limited to, the date(s) and times, anticipated capacity, anticipated security, fencing, structures, tents, or pavilions to be utilized, and any other information relevant to the determination whether to issue authorization. The authorization shall include all requirements for the event, including location, security, insurance requirements, and any other matter, at the discretion of the Municipal Manager. The authorization shall be strictly conditioned upon the issuance of a temporary license by the Ohio Department of Liquor Control, to the organization hosting the event. The Municipal Manager, in his discretion, may limit the number of such events to be held al the Municipal Park. No events shall be permitted within the pool enclosure. The Municipal Manager may, in his discretion, determine dates, for which no events serving alcohol may be permitted. No person shall possess, use, sell or distribute any alcohol or controlled substance within the Municipal Park, other than as authorized by this Chapter.
    (d)   No person shall build a fire or allow a fire to burn on Park premises except in the permanent fireplaces provided therefor.
    (e)   All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be placed in containers provided therefor.
    (f)   All Park facilities shall be closed at 10:00 p.m. except by special permission of the Park Manager.
   (g)   No person shall gamble on the Park premises.
   (h)   No person shall solicit on the Park premises.
    (i)   No person shall drive golf balls or fly model airplanes on the Park premises.
   (j)   No person shall conduct himself in a disorderly or indecent manner or commit any indecent act or use any loud, profane, indecent or obscene language within the Park. No person shall interfere with, annoy or disturb any other person in the Park.
(Ord. 1341. Passed 10-15-56.)
   (k)   All traffic signs shall be obeyed.
   (l)   All motor vehicles, including, but not limited to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles, are restricted to streets, roads and designated parking areas.
   (m)   (1)   No person shall bring into, permit, have, or keep in the Park, a dangerous dog, as defined in Section 618.17 of the Code.
      (2)   No person shall bring into, permit, have, or keep in the Park, any dog, unless such animal is restrained on an adequate leash, not more than six feet in length.
      (3)   No dogs, except service dogs shall be permitted in the pool or splash pad areas of the Park.
      (4)   All dogs within the Park shall be properly licensed.
      (5)   Any Village Police Officer or the Village Manger may order a dog removed from the Park, in the event the dog is causing a disturbance, or alarm to other users of the Park, or if the dog acts in a manner that would cause a reasonably prudent person to fear for his safety, or the safety of others.
      (6)   Dog owners shall be financially responsible for damages to persons or property caused by their dogs.
      (7)   A person in possession of a dog in the Park, shall:
         A.   Keep the dog physically confined or restrained by an adequate leash, not more than six feet in length;
         B.   Keep the dog under the immediate control of the owner or keeper;
         C.   Remove any waste left by the animal;
         D.   Remove a dog from the Park, upon request by any Village Police Officer or the Village Manager.
      (8)   A violation of any provision of this subsection (m) shall be a minor misdemeanor, punishable as provided in Section 1060.99 of the Codified Ordinances of East Palestine, Ohio.
(Ord. 2122. Passed 7-7-80; Ord. 21-2015. Passed 12-14-15.)
   (n)   No person shall operate radio, radar, or other electronic remote controlled model boat, model airplane or other such toys, upon Park premises.
(Ord. 2180. Passed 10-26-81; Ord. 6-2024. Passed 4-22-24.)