Sidewalk Construction
909.01   Construction standards generally.
909.02   Cement sidewalks.
909.03   Brick sidewalks.
909.04   Raising and lowering sidewalks; new sidewalks.
909.05   Permit required.
909.06   Application for permit.
909.07   Remedy by City; costs.
909.08   Responsibility of abutting owners and occupants.
909.09   Curb cutting; permit and fee.
909.10   "Construct" to mean "repair".
909.11   Curb construction.
909.12   "Sidewalk" to mean "curb".
909.13   Sidewalk construction in Central Business District.
909.99   Penalty.
      Construction or repair at owner's expense - see Ohio R.C. 729.01 et seq.
      Notice to construct or repair sidewalks - see Ohio R.C. 729.03 et seq.
      Duty to keep sidewalks in repair and clean - see GEN. OFF. 521.06
      Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury - see GEN. OFF. 521.04
      Erecting structures on sidewalks - see GEN. OFF. 521.10