In the construction of brick sidewalks, the following specifications shall be observed and complied with:
(a) Brick. All bricks used in the work must be the best quality of standard size, made of fire clay and made specially for street pavements. They must be thoroughly uniform, well-burned and of good, regular and uniform shape and size, free from flaws and cracks, well vitrified and of strong and durable texture and must not split or spawl by handling or usage nor when being rolled or rammed.
(b) Foundation. The foundation for all brick sidewalks shall consist of a layer of gravel five inches thick spread on the bottom of the excavation and a layer of clean, sharp sand two inches thick spread on top of the gravel. These thicknesses are to be that of the foundation of the pavement after it has been completed by rolling, so that the foundation of the finished pavement shall have such specified dimensions.
(c) Size of Gravel. Gravel shall be of such size that the largest thereof shall not have any dimensions greater than will permit it to pass through a ring two inches in diameter.
(d) Preparation of Beds. All beds on which pavements are to be laid must be carefully prepared with a lute made for the special purpose, as the case may be, and shall be kept prepared to the required grade and proper shape a reasonable time in advance of the paving.
(e) Rolling or Ramming. After the brick pavement has been laid, it shall be rolled with hand roller or rammed with heavy hand rammers and planks until the same is brought to the required grade and true alignment so as to show no irregularities or uneven places in the surface of the pavement.
(f) Sand on Surface. Immediately after the pavement has been rolled or rammed it shall be covered to a depth of one-half inch with clean, fine, sharp sand sufficient to thoroughly fill all joints and openings. Such covering of sand shall be thoroughly broomed until the same is accomplished. The covering of sand shall be left on the pavement for at least seven days when it shall be removed by the contractor doing the work, at his expense.
(g) Removal of Material. Upon completion of the above work and the removal of the sand covering by the contractor, all watercourses or gutters of streets shall be left free from any excavated materials, forms or other refuse incident to the work and in as good condition as before the work was done.
(1967 Code 909.03)