Park and Recreation Facilities
969.01   Swimming pool fees.
969.02   Annual and daily boat launching permits; fees; parking restriction and penalty.
969.03   Municipal Buildings; regulations; fees.
969.04   Seawall admittance fee; disposition.
969.05   Bruce Yee Field; fee for lights and field maintenance.
969.06   North High School baseball field maintenance fee.
969.99   Penalty and waiver.
Land appropriation for parks - see Ohio R.C. 715.21, 719.01
Department of Recreation - see ADM. Ch. 141
Park and Shade Tree Commission - see ADM. Ch. 143
Bicycles, motorcycles and snowmobiles - see TRAF. Ch. 373, 377
Watercraft regulations - see TRAF. Ch. 381, 383
Parks and public lands - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 539
Trees and weeds - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 543