The landscaping and screening requirements of this section 16-13-4 are intended to promote attractive and harmonious growth of the city. Landscaping is a fundamental component of property development. These provisions are intended to preserve and enhance property values by ensuring that yards, open spaces, parking lots and public rights of way are designed and maintained with respect to plants and landscape materials. This section 16-13-4 also intends that property development should respect land capability and constraints, minimize erosion and destruction of natural amenities and reduce conflicts between lands and uses. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
No new structure, building or parking lot shall be constructed unless in compliance with the landscape and screening standards of this section 16-13-4. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Single-family and two-family dwellings shall maintain a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of lot area as a permeable and uncovered surface that contains living material. Single-family and two-family dwellings shall be exempt from other requirements of this section 16-13-4.
B. All other uses shall provide and maintain a landscaped area that equals or exceeds the requirements of this section 16-13-4. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Major site plans shall include a landscaping plan indicating how existing topography, natural features, and vegetation will be integrated into the overall site development. A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted and approved prior to final site plan approval. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All landscape plans shall be prepared to show the information required by the planning services department.
B. Street trees planted in the public right of way shall not be counted toward fulfillment of the minimum site requirements for number of trees.
C. Existing trees to be retained on site may be counted toward fulfillment of the landscaping requirements.
D. Parking lot landscaping requirement in section 16-13-4-6 of this chapter shall not be counted toward fulfillment of the minimum site landscaping.
E. The minimum required permeable area shall be twenty percent (20%) of the entire site under review.
F. The following is the minimum landscaping requirement of trees and shrubs, by number, and the type of ground cover required for the entire site under review. Plant species used for landscaping shall be in accordance with street tree and plant lists approved by the city.
1. Minimum tree planting requirements shall be one tree per one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of required permeable area. Minimum tree size shall be at least one and one-half inch (11/2") caliper measured six inches (6") from the base of the tree for a deciduous tree and six feet (6') in height for a coniferous tree.
2. Minimum shrub requirements at the time of planting shall be six (6) shrubs, or one shrub per one thousand (1,000) square feet of required permeable area, whichever is greater. Shrubs shall be a minimum of eighteen inches (18") in height or a minimum of three (3) gallon potted. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Existing trees, when located appropriately, may be used to comply with the requirements for buffer yards, street trees, and to meet the tree requirements for parking areas. Existing trees used to satisfy these requirements shall be in good health prior to and following site development.
B. The same minimum separation distances that are required of new plantings must be observed when possible; except, that existing groupings of two (2) or more trees may be preserved. Trees or branches must be removed from such groupings in the interest of public safety and/or to assure survival of the specimen.
C. The roots of a tree must be protected during site development with barrier fencing extending at least as far as the drip line of the tree. Any limbs that might be damaged during construction must be pruned.
D. No paving or construction shall be allowed within the drip line of a preserved tree.
E. Any preserved tree that dies shall be replaced by the same number of trees for which it substituted during the same or immediately following planting season.
F. The schedule below shows the acceptable substitution ratio for existing trees to required trees:
Diameter Of Existing Tree | Substitution Ratio |
36 inches or more | 3 required trees |
12 to 36 inches | 2 required trees |
2 to 12 inches | 1 required tree |
The substitution value for groupings of trees approved by the city shall be based upon the diameter of the largest tree in the group.
(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. A landscaped buffer strip shall be provided along the frontage of all surface parking areas at least ten feet (10') wide along the public right of way. The buffer strip shall consist of shade trees, low shrubs, perennial flowers, and/or other plant materials approved by the city planner. Landscaped earth berms and/or decorative walls and fences are permitted provided they are integrated with the landscape screening described above. The use of biofiltration methods of landscape and drainage design is encouraged.
B. A landscape buffer at least seven feet (7') wide shall be provided along the remaining sides of all surface parking lots. This area shall be planted with any combination of shade trees, coniferous trees, and/or shrubs.
C. Parking lot landscaping and trees shall be dispersed throughout the parking lot in accordance with subsection 16-13-3-5D of this chapter.
1. For single parking bays, landscaped islands shall provide at least one parking space of landscape area, measuring at least nine feet by eighteen feet (9' x 18'), and shall be planted with a combination of one tree, low shrubs, perennial flowers, turf, and/or ground cover/ornamental grasses but shall not be planted entirely with turf.
2. For double parking bays, both the end landscaped islands and the intermediate landscaped islands shall provide a double parking space of landscape area, measuring at least nine feet by thirty six feet (9' x 36'), and shall be planted with a combination of one shade tree or two (2) ornamental/dwarf trees, low shrubs, perennial flowers, turf, and/or ground cover/ornamental grasses measuring no more than three feet (3') in height, but shall not be planted entirely with turf.
D. No tree, shrub, hedge, or berm shall be placed or encroach into an area the city engineer determines is an obstruction to visibility, or extends into a visibility triangle affecting the public right of way.

(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Street trees shall be planted within a landscaped parkway or in tree pits within the sidewalk area according to section 6-8-1 of this code and the "City Of Dubuque Street Tree And Landscaping On Public Right Of Way Policy".
B. Street trees planted within the sidewalk area shall be planted using best management practices. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. All commercial and industrial uses that abut residential, office, or institutional districts, shall maintain screening not less than six feet (6') along the abutting property line or lines.
B. Screening required by this section 16-13-4 shall be equivalent to the following:
1. Fences with at least fifty percent (50%) opaque construction; or
2. Hedges, shrubs or evergreen trees of at least thirty percent (30%) opacity at the time of installation and fifty percent (50%) opacity maintained within three (3) years of installation; or
3. Berms or graded slopes of not less than three feet (3') of mean height. Such berms or graded slopes shall contain at least fifty percent (50%) living material. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)