A. All parking lots and driveways shall be hard surfaced. Parking on gravel, dirt or unreinforced turf is prohibited.
B. Parking lot edges and planting islands may be defined by concrete curb and gutter and/or incorporate approved biofiltration methods. Parking spaces shall be defined with painted striping or other approved methods.
C. Off street parking shall be located to the rear and/or side of buildings, when practical. When parking or parking access must be located in the front yard, a landscaped buffer shall be provided.
D. Parking bays in excess of eleven (11) spaces in length shall provide landscaping at the ends of each aisle in accordance with subsection 16-13-4-6C of this chapter. Parking bays in excess of twenty (20) spaces in length shall be divided by intermediate landscaped islands, and provide landscaping at the ends of each aisle.
E. Where perpendicular parking spaces are used, the space adjacent to the closed end of an aisle shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide.
F. An adequate driveway throat length shall be provided to minimize traffic conflicts; the driveway throat length shall be the distance between the street and the parking lot served by a driveway. Parking spaces shall not be permitted within the driveway throat. Driveway throat lengths for commercial and industrial uses shall be determined by the city engineer.
G. Parking spaces shall be provided and located as required by the ADA standards for accessibility.
H. Parking lots which will be developed in phases require a phasing plan to identify all current and future parking lot requirements. Parking areas should be constructed incrementally to match land use build out schedules. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 2-23, 1-17-2023)
A. Bicycle parking shall be required in accordance with section 16-14-9 of this title.
B. Bicycle parking spaces shall be at least as close as the closest automobile space, except for accessible parking spaces, or as near a regularly used building entrance as possible without interfering with pedestrian traffic.
C. Bicycle parking areas shall provide a minimum clearance between parked bicycles and adjacent walls, poles, landscaping, and pedestrian walkways of at least three feet (3'), and a minimum clearance between parked bicycles and vehicle parking spaces and drive aisles of at least five feet (5'). (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 60-10, 11-15-2010; Ord. 2-23, 1-17-2023)
The location and design of parking lot lighting shall conform to the following:
A. All surface parking lot lighting shall be designed, installed and maintained so that no light sources shall provide illumination onto adjacent lots, buildings or streets in excess of one foot-candle;
B. All exterior lighting luminaries shall be designed and installed to shield light from the luminaire at angles above seventy two degrees (72°) from vertical;
C. Fixtures mounted on a building shall not be positioned higher than the roofline of the building;
D. Wooden utility type poles are acceptable only for temporary use during construction; and
E. All electrical service lines to posts and fixtures shall be installed underground and concealed inside the posts. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 2-23, 1-17-2023)
A. The standard size parking stall should be at least nine feet (9') wide and eighteen feet (18') long.
Degree Of Angle | Stall Width (A) | Curb Length (B) | Stall Depth (C) | Stall Length (D) | Aisle Width One-Way/ Two-Way (E) | Island Width (F) |
0° | 8.5' | 23' | n/a | n/a | 13'/24' | n/a |
45° | 9' | 12.7' | 19.8' | 19' | 13'/13' | 33.2' |
60° | 9' | 10.4' | 21' | 19' | 18'/18' | 37.4' |
90° | 9' | 9' | 18' | 18' | 24'/24' | 36' |
B. If parking stalls for compact cars are allowed, the stall dimensions should be at least seven feet six inches (7'6") wide and sixteen feet (16') long.
Degree Of Angle | Stall Width (A) | Curb Length (B) | Stall Depth (C) | Stall Length (D) | Aisle Width One-Way/ Two-Way (E) | Island Width (F) |
0° | 7.5' | 16' | n/a | n/a | 13'/24' | n/a |
45° | 8' | 11.3' | 17' | 16' | 13'/13' | 28.3' |
60° | 8' | 9.2' | 17.8' | 16' | 18'/18' | 31.7' |
90° | 8' | 8' | 16' | 16' | 24'/24' | 32' |
(Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 2-23, 1-17-2023)
A. Continuous sidewalks a minimum of four feet (4') wide shall be provided in compliance with section 10-1-2 of this code.
B. Clearly defined and lighted pedestrian walkways shall extend between parking areas and all building entrances.
C. All sidewalks and walkways shall meet the ADA standards for accessibility. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009; amd. Ord. 18-13, 3-18-2013; Ord. 2-23, 1-17-2023)
The landscaping and screening requirements of this section 16-13-4 are intended to promote attractive and harmonious growth of the city. Landscaping is a fundamental component of property development. These provisions are intended to preserve and enhance property values by ensuring that yards, open spaces, parking lots and public rights of way are designed and maintained with respect to plants and landscape materials. This section 16-13-4 also intends that property development should respect land capability and constraints, minimize erosion and destruction of natural amenities and reduce conflicts between lands and uses. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
No new structure, building or parking lot shall be constructed unless in compliance with the landscape and screening standards of this section 16-13-4. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)
A. Single-family and two-family dwellings shall maintain a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of lot area as a permeable and uncovered surface that contains living material. Single-family and two-family dwellings shall be exempt from other requirements of this section 16-13-4.
B. All other uses shall provide and maintain a landscaped area that equals or exceeds the requirements of this section 16-13-4. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009)