(A)   The regulations contained within this chapter apply to all resources within the boundaries of Historic Dublin, as identified on Appendix F, as well as designated outlying historic resources as specified in Appendix G of the City of Dublin’s Zoning Code, and amendments or additions as approved by City Council. All resources located within these designated areas require approval by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) for certain activities related to renovation, rehabilitation, new construction, or demolition as provided in this chapter. The purpose and duties of the ARB are contained in § 153.175.
   (B)   The designated resources are subject to the regulations of the zoning district in which they are located. Historic Dublin contains the city’s four Historic Zoning Districts but may also contain resources that have other zoning designations. The regulations for the Historic Zoning Districts are contained within this subchapter.
   (C)   The Historic Design Guidelines also apply to all resources within Historic Dublin and resources identified on Appendix G. The Guidelines supplement the review standards contained within the City of Dublin’s Zoning Code and will guide the ARB in determining requests for approvals. While the Guidelines are not zoning regulations, they are critical to interpreting the intent of these regulations and should be used in unison with them. The Guidelines provide additional detail and explanation of the regulations and provide important guidance in applying the regulations. The Guidelines are critically important in ARB’s consideration of conditions of approval as authorized in § 153.176.
(Ord. 03-21, passed 2-22-21; Am. Ord. 65-23, passed 12-11-23)