(a) Permitted Exceptions for Structural Appurtenances. The following kinds of structural appurtenances shall be permitted to exceed the height limitations for authorized uses:
(1) Ornamental in purpose, such as church spires, belfries, cupolas, domes, ornamental towers, flag poles and monuments.
(2) Appurtenances to mechanical or structural functions, such as chimneys and smoke stacks, water tanks, elevator and stairwell penthouses, ventilators, bulkheads, radio and television towers, aerials, fire and hose towers, and cooling towers.
(3) Solar Energy Equipment that is attached to a roof of a structure, may extend above the roofline a maximum of four feet in height as specified in Section 1294.22.
(4) A Wind Energy Conversion System that is attached to a roof of a structure, may extend above the roofline a maximum of fifteen feet in height as specified in Section 1294.23.
(5) The foregoing permitted exceptions shall not be used for human occupancy.
(b) Permitted Exceptions for Residential Districts. There shall be no exceptions permitted for residential structures. Certain nonresidential structures in Residential Districts may be permitted to exceed height limitations as specified in Section 1268.04.
(c) Permitted Exceptions for Business and Industrial Districts. In any Business or Industrial District, any principal building may be erected to a height in excess of that specified for the District, provided each front, side and rear yard is increased one foot for each one foot of such additional height above the district maximum.
(Ord. 89. Passed 4-10-72; Ord. 2016-4. Passed 11-14-16; Ord. 2016-5. Passed 11-14-16.)