[EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1294.14 was repealed and reserved in its entirety by Ordinance 2022-02, passed April 11, 2022. For current provisions regarding accessory buildings, see Section 1294.06.]
(a) (1) Paved terraces, patios and uncovered porches shall not be subject to yard requirements, provided that:
A. The paved area is unroofed and without such walls or other forms of solid, continuous enclosure that link the paved area to the principal building.
B. The highest finished elevation of the paved area is not over three feet above the average surrounding finished ground grade.
C. No portion of any paved area is closer than 5 feet from any lot line or projects into any front yard setback area.
(2) Such paved areas may have an open railing or fence not over 3 feet high and may have noncontinuous windbreaks or visual screen fences or walls not over 6 feet high and not enclosing more than one-half the perimeter of the paved area.
(b) Unenclosed porches, roofed or unroofed, may project into a required side or rear yard area a distance not to exceed 8 feet, provided that:
(1) The porch is unenclosed, no higher than one story and is erected on piers.
(2) The porch shall not be closer than 8 feet at any point to any side or rear lot line.
(c) Enclosed porches shall be considered an integral part of the building and shall be subject to all yard and area dimensional requirements established for principal buildings.
(d) Special structural elements, such as cornices, sills, chimneys, eaves and similar structural features may project into any yard up to a maximum of two and one- half feet.
(e) Fire escapes, outside stairways and balconies, if of open construction, may project into the yard area up to a maximum of five feet.
(Ord. 89. Passed 4-10-72.)
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 1294.16 was repealed and reserved in its entirety by Ordinance 2022-02, passed April 11, 2022. For current provisions regarding accessory buildings, see Section 1294.06.]