The following uses of land and structures may be permitted by the application for and the issuance of a special use permit, when the specified procedures and requirements, as outlined hereinafter, are complied with:
(a) Institutions for Human Care.
(1) Definition. “Institutions for human care” include hospitals, sanitariums, nursing or convalescent homes, homes for the aged, philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions.
(2) Excluded activities. Institutions for the mentally retarded and physically handicapped, drug or alcohol rehabilitation camps or correctional institutions are prohibited in any residential district.
(3) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288, and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846:
A. Minimum lot size: Two acres except for hospitals, which shall require 10 acres.
B. Minimum yard setbacks: 50 feet, except that hospitals which are two stories or greater shall be set back 100 feet to any street or property line.
C. Maximum building coverage: 25%.
D. Ambulance and delivery areas are to be screened from view from adjacent residential uses and districts with a masonry wall which is 6 feet in height.
E. The site shall have access on a public street as defined in this zoning code.
(b) Religious Institutions.
(1) Definition. “Religious institutions” shall include churches or similar places of worship, convents, parsonages and parish houses and other housing for clergy.
(2) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288, and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846:
A. Minimum lot size: For institutions providing worship services to the public, the minimum lot size shall be one acre plus 0.5 acres for every 100 seats in the main area. For residential uses, district regulations shall govern.
B. Minimum yard setbacks: 50 feet.
C. Maximum building coverage: 25%.
D. The site shall have access on a major street as defined in this Zoning Code unless the use is exclusively residential.
(c) Educational and Social Institutions.
(1) Definition. “Educational and social institutions” shall include public and private schools, auditoriums and other places of assembly, centers for social activities.
(2) Excluded uses. Schools or studios for music and dancing instructions are not permitted in any residential district.
(3) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288, and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846.
A. Minimum lot size: 2 acres.
B. Minimum yard setbacks: 50 feet.
C. Maximum building coverage: 25%.
(d) Public Buildings and Public Service Installations.
(1) Definition. “Public buildings and public service installations” include publicly owned and operated buildings, public utility buildings and structures, telephone exchange buildings, transformer stations and substations and gas regulator stations.
(2) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288 and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846.
A. Maximum building coverage: 30%
B. All mechanical equipment located in the open must be fenced and screened from view from adjacent residential uses and districts.
(e) Group Day Care Homes and Adult Foster Care Small and Large Group Homes.
(2) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288, and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846.
A. The group home shall not be located closer than 1,500 feet to another group home.
B. Appropriate fencing, as determined by the Planning Commission must be provided.
C. The property must be maintained consistent with the visible characteristics of the neighborhood.
D. Hours of operation for group day care homes may not exceed 16 hours during a 24-hour period.
(f) Farms and agricultural operations which exceed the intensity of uses described in Section 1268.03.
(2) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements described in Section 1268.03, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288 and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846.
A. Minimum lot size: More than 5 acres.
B. Maximum building coverage: 25%.
C. A complete plan for the use and management of the property, including but not limited to, the number and type of animals raised, the crops cultivated, the number and location of accessory buildings and storage facilities and a description of all proposed farming operations must be included with the application for a special use permit. A description of the proposal's compliance with Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices as described in Act PA93 of 1981 is also required.
(g) Killing and dressing of large animals produced upon the premises for consumption by the occupants of the premises.
(h) Private noncommercial recreation areas, such as private nonprofit swimming pool clubs, community recreation centers or other noncommercial recreation activities.
(i) Special open space uses.
(1) Definition. Special open space uses include public beaches, bath houses, private resorts, recreational camps, public and private conservation areas and structures for the conservation of water, soils, open space, forest and wildlife resources; public areas, such as forest preserves, game refuges, forest-type recreation parks and similar public uses of low intensity character and other open space uses operated for profit; and
(2) Regulations and conditions. The following specific provisions and requirements shall apply in addition to the specific zoning district requirements, parking requirements as set forth in Chapter 1288 and sign requirements as set forth in Chapter 846:
A. Minimum lot size: 2 acres;
B. Maximum building coverage: 25%;
C. The proposed site shall have at least 1 property line abutting a major or minor arterial. All ingress and egress to the site shall be directly from said arterials; and
D. All buildings and structures shall be set back at least 200 feet from any property or street line. Whenever the installation abuts upon property within a residential district, this 200-foot setback shall be landscaped with trees, grass and structural screens of a type approved by the Planning Commission to effectively screen the installation from surrounding residential properties.
(Ord. Unno. Passed 9-13-76; Ord. 2001-8. Passed 11-12-01; Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2009-7. Passed 12-14-09; Ord. 2010-5. Passed 1-10-11.)