4-2-1   Purpose
4-2-2   Information Available to Customer
4-2-3   Privies Prohibited; Installation of Septic Tanks
4-2-4   Connection with Sewer Required
4-2-5   Old Building Sewers
4-2-6   Building Sewer Materials
4-2-7   Building Sewer Grades and Sizes
4-2-8   Certain Connections Prohibited
4-2-9   License for Installation Required
4-2-10   Inspection of Connections
4-2-11   Construction Procedures
4-2-12   Record of Sewer Connections
4-2-13   OSHA Requirements
4-2-14   Infiltration and Inflow
4-2-15    Interceptors and Traps
4-2-16    Maintaining Treatment Facilities; Monthly Report
4-2-17    Powers and Authority of Inspectors
4-2-18    Photographic and Visual Inspections
4-2-19    Administration; Rules and Regulations
4-2-20    Notice to Abate Violation
4-2-21    Penalties
4-2-22    Discharge of Septic Tank Wastes
4-2-23    Continuity of Service
4-2-24    Extensions by City
4-2-25    Sewer Cut-offs Required