General Provisions
150.01 School facilities impact fee
150.02 Subdivision plat review by Grundy County Emergency Telephone System Board
150.03 Residential construction; design variety
150.04 Plumbing inspection and fees authorized
150.05 Dedications of school sites
150.06 Rapid entry system
150.07 Carbon monoxide detectors
150.08 Trailer facility impact fee
150.09 Construction and replacement of mailboxes in right-of-way
Building Permit Policy
150.20 Administrative, building permit, inspection and re-inspection fees; replacement certificate of occupancy/completion
150.21 Fee, permit and inspection schedules
150.22 Elevation certification for newly-constructed buildings
150.23 Building permit limitations
150.24 Residential construction building permit fee deferral program
Development Impact Fee
150.35 Purpose and intent
150.36 Findings
150.37 Applicability
150.38 Definitions
150.39 Imposition, calculation and collection of impact fees
150.40 Impact fee account
150.41 Use of impact fee proceeds
150.42 Audits
150.43 Protests and appeals
150.44 Statue of limitations
150.45 Amendment procedures
Dangerous Buildings
150.65 Definitions
150.66 Nuisance
150.67 Prohibition
150.68 Abatement
150.69 Requirements for removal or rebuilding
150.99 Penalty