   155.001   Definitions
Establishment of Districts; Provision for Official Zoning Map
   155.015   Official zoning map
   155.016   Replacement of the official zoning map
Rules for Interpretation of District Boundaries
   155.030   Rules for interpretation of district boundaries
Application of District Regulations
   155.045   Application of district regulations
Zoning Districts
   155.060   Establishment of zoning districts
Low Density Residential Districts (R-1)
   155.075   Intent
   155.076   Permitted uses
   155.077   Minimum off-street parking requirements
   155.078   Limitations of signs
Medium Density Residential Districts (R-2)
   155.090   Intent
   155.091   Permitted uses
   155.092   Lot area, building height and yard requirements
   155.093   Minimum off-street parking requirements
   155.094   Limitations of signs
High Density Residential Districts (R-3)
   155.105   Intent
   155.106   Permitted uses
   155.107   Lot area, building height and yard requirements
   155.108   Minimum off-street parking requirements
   155.109   Limitations of signs
Business/Commercial District (C)
   155.120   Intent
   155.121   Permitted uses
   155.122   Uses permitted by special exception
   155.123   Lot area, building and yard requirements
   155.124   Minimum off-street parking and loading requirements
   155.125   Limitations of signs
   155.126   Regulations for existing nonconforming residential uses in the C-Business/Commercial District
   155.127   Setback requirements for accessory structures
Industrial Districts (I)
   155.140   Intent
   155.141   Uses by special exception
   155.142   Lot area, building height and yard requirements
   155.143   Minimum off-street parking and loading requirements
   155.144   Limitations of signs
Supplementary District Regulations
   155.155   Visibility at intersections
   155.156   Fences, walls and hedges
   155.157   Accessory building
   155.158   Erection of more than one principal structure on a lot
   155.159   Exception to height regulations
   155.160   Structures to have access
   155.161   Parking, storage or use of major recreation equipment
   155.162   Parking and storage of certain vehicles
   155.163   Animal and poultry
   155.164   Corner lot restriction
   155.165   Lot area and lot width for lots not served with public water and/or sanitary sewers
   155.166   Front yard exceptions
   155.167   Projections into yards
   155.168   Accessory uses
   155.169   Municipal uses
   155.170   Public utilities exempt
   155.171   Home occupation regulations
   155.172   Gasoline pumps
   155.173   Erosion and sedimentation pollution control
   155.174   Stormwater management
Nonconforming Lots, Uses and Structures
   155.185   Intent
   155.186   Nonconforming lots of record
   155.187   Nonconforming uses of land (or land with minor structures only)
   155.188   Nonconforming structures
   155.189   Nonconforming uses of structures or of structures and premises in combination
   155.190   Repairs and maintenance
   155.191   Uses under special exception provisions not nonconforming uses
   155.192   Nonconforming signs
Off-Street Parking Requirements
   155.205   Accessory off-street parking facilities
   155.206   Continuation of parking facilities
   155.207   Standards and definitions
   155.208   Schedule of required off-street parking spaces
   155.209   Combined use of facilities
   155.210   Parking and garage facilities for residences
   155.211   Improvements to parking and loading areas
   155.212   Illumination of parking and loading areas
   155.213   Driveways and curbs
Signs and Advertising Structures
   155.225   Generally
   155.226   Signs permitted and extent of use
   155.227   Setback of signs
   155.228   Buntings and pennants
   155.229   Projection of signs
   155.230   Illumination of signs
   155.231   Temporary signs
   155.232   Construction and maintenance
   155.233   Termination of enterprise
   155.234   Billboard sign regulations
Administration and Enforcement; Building Permits and Certificates of Zoning Compliance
   155.245   Administration and enforcement
   155.246   Zoning permits required
   155.247   Application for zoning permit
   155.248   Certificate of zoning compliance for new, altered or nonconforming uses
   155.249   Expiration of zoning permit
   155.250   Construction and use to be provided in applications, plans, permits and certificates of occupancy
   155.251   Display of zoning permit
   155.252   Fees
Zoning Hearing Board; Establishment and Procedure
   155.265   Generally
   155.266   Proceedings of the Zoning Hearing Board
   155.267   Hearings, appeals, notice
   155.268   Stay of proceedings
Zoning Hearing Board; Powers and Duties
   155.280   Generally
   155.281   Administrative review
   155.282   Special exceptions; conditions governing applications; procedures
   155.283   Variances; conditions governing applications; procedures
   155.284   Board has powers of zoning officer on appeals; reversing decision of Zoning Officer
Appeals From the Zoning Hearing Board
   155.295   Appeals from the Zoning Hearing Board
Duties of Zoning Officer; Zoning Hearing Board; Borough Council and Courts
on Matters of Appeal
   155.310   Duties of Zoning Officer; Zoning Hearing Board; Borough Council and Courts on matters of appeal
Schedule of Fees, Charges and Expenses
   155.325   Schedule of fees, charges and expenses
   155.340   Amendments
Provisions of Chapter Declared to be Minimum Requirements
   155.355   Provisions of chapter declared to be minimum requirements
Complaints Regarding Violations
   155.370   Complaints regarding violations
   155.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   R-1 District Requirements
   Appendix B:   R-2 District Requirements
   Appendix C:   R-3 District Requirements
   Appendix D:   Official Zoning Map