(A)   Any use not otherwise prohibited by law for manufacturing, fabricating, processing, packaging, compounding or treatment which, in the opinion of the Zoning Hearing Board would be nonobjectionable in terms of smoke or dust emission, odors, noise or glare, and will not otherwise be injurious to the public health, safety and welfare and will not have an adverse affect on adjacent areas. In addition, the Zoning Hearing Board may require necessary safeguards to assure the aforementioned conditions;
   (B)   Warehousing and wholesaling establishments and storage yards not including junkyards;
   (C)   Railroad, trucking, busing and other transit facilities including storage, repair and transfer operations;
   (D)   Excavating contractor;
   (E)   Customary accessory uses and building incidental to any of the above permitted uses. Junkyards used for storage, wrecking and converting, used or discarded materials, provided that such use is no less than 150 feet from any roadway and no less than 300 feet from any use district other than industrial. In addition, such use must be completely enclosed by an evergreen screen planting to be planted and maintained at a height of not less than six feet;
   (F)   Sexually oriented businesses in accordance with Chapter 114 of this code of ordinances; and
   (G)   Billboards subject to provisions of § 155.234.
(Prior Code, Ch. 27, § 27-1002) (Ord. 293, passed 4-20-1992, § 10.2; Ord. 1-99, passed 1-18-1999; Ord. 3-2006, passed 7-17-2006, § 1)