Excavation Permits
152.01 Permit required; inspection of work
152.02 Excavation, construction, restoration, backfilling and paving
152.03 Maintenance of traffic
152.04 Time limits
152.05 Conflict of ordinances, effect of partial invalidity
Sidewalk and Curb Construction
152.20 Curb construction requirements and specifications
152.21 Property owners to construct or reconstruct sidewalks
152.22 Property owners to repair sidewalks upon notice
152.23 Sidewalk material and specifications
152.24 Sidewalks to conform to line and grade
152.25 Determination of necessity
152.26 Construction at initiative of property owner
152.27 Authority of borough to do work and charge owner
Street and Sidewalk Obstructions
152.40 Responsibilities for snow and ice removal
152.41 Authority of borough to remove snow and assess charges
152.42 Unlawful deposit of snow and ice
152.43 Provisions enforced by Mayor
152.99 Penalty