(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Single-family detached dwellings, except mobile homes;
(2) Parks and playgrounds;
(3) Educational and religious, non-profit;
(4) Home gardening (no sale of products);
(5) Private garages (accessory use);
(6) Private swimming pool (accessory use);
(7) Garden shed or shelter (accessory use);
(8) Cemeteries;
(9) Essential services;
(10) Mineral excavation, in accordance with § 156.104; and
(11) Group living arrangements.
(B) Special exceptions.
(2) Essential structures;
(C) Conditional uses.
(2) Hospitals, clinics and nursing homes;
(3) Colleges, institutes of learning;
(4) Funeral homes;
(5) Expansion for existing abutting commercial and industrial uses; and
(6) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Permitted uses shown for District R-1;
(2) Accessory uses permitted in R-1;
(3) Multiple dwellings, except mobile homes;
(4) Group housing projects, except mobile homes;
(5) Rooming houses, except mobile homes;
(6) Recreation areas (accessory use);
(7) Educational or day-care school; and
(8) Essential services
(B) Special exceptions.
(1) Special exceptions shown for District R-1;
(2) Bed and breakfast facilities;
(3) Essential structures; and
(4) Outside recreational uses, as defined.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Conditional uses shown for District R-1;
(2) Clubs, lodges or fraternities; and
(3) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Permitted uses shown for District R-1;
(2) Mobile homes with permanent foundations on individual lots of record;
(3) Mobile home parks, regulated by the subdivision ordinance; and
(4) Essential services.
(B) Special exceptions.
(1) Special exceptions shown for District R-1; and
(2) Essential structures.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Conditional uses shown for District R-1;
(2) R-2 permitted and conditional uses, and R-2 special exceptions; and
(3) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Non-residential uses permitted in R-2;
(2) Retail stores and shops;
(3) Wholesale and distributors, no outside storage;
(4) Restaurants, tea rooms;
(5) Inside storage facilities;
(6) Banks, studios and offices;
(7) Service establishments, such as barber shops, beauty parlors and commercial laundry (include coin operated laundry);
(8) Dry cleaning, pressing or tailor shops using non-explosive solvents;
(9) Hotel or motel;
(10) Theater or assembly hall;
(11) Pool hall, bowling alleys or any legal inside recreational use;
(12) Bakery goods and candy manufacturer with retail outlet in which a minimum of 25% of manufactured output is sold retail from the premises;
(13) Bus or taxi stations;
(14) Printing establishments;
(15) Automobile sales, including minor repairs and service conducted inside the building;
(16) Commercial parking (surface or within a building);
(17) Club, lodge or fraternities;
(18) Taverns, cocktail lounges;
(19) Gasoline service stations;
(20) Drive-in facilities;
(21) Car washing;
(22) Industrial office buildings; and
(23) Essential services.
(B) Special exceptions.
(1) Residential use in combination with commercial use;
(2) Essential structures;
(3) Outside recreational uses, as defined; and
(4) Agriculture.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Industrial uses;
(2) Non-residential conditional uses shown for District R-2; and
(3) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Permitted uses in R-2;
(2) Banks, studios and offices;
(3) Barber shops and beauty parlors;
(4) Accessory use parking (surface or inside);
(5) Home occupations and professional offices; and
(6) Bed and breakfast facilities.
(B) Special exceptions.
(1) Residential use in combination with commercial use;
(2) Retail or service businesses, in accordance with § 156.106;
(3) Essential structures; and
(4) Special exceptions shown for Districts R-1 and R-2.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Conditional uses shown for Districts R-1 and R-2; and
(2) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Wholesale, storage (retail sales shall not exceed 25% of gross sales);
(2) Building materials/lumber yards;
(3) Distributing plant, parcel delivery service and motor trucking center;
(4) Bottling plant;
(5) Public garage, auto and mobile equipment repair;
(6) Contractor, equipment storage in opaque enclosure equipment, exempt from enclosed storage, shall include the following: operable vehicles; mobile motorized equipment; trailers and trailer mounted equipment;
(7) Light manufacturing (as defined in this chapter) including production of the following goods: home appliances; electrical instruments; office machines; precision instruments; electronic devices; timepieces; jewelry; optical goods; musical instruments; novelties; wood products; printed material; lithographic plates; type composition; machine tools, dyes, and gauges; ceramics; apparel; lightweight nonferrous metal castings; sheet metal products; plastic goods; pharmaceutical goods and food products, but not including animal slaughtering curing nor rendering of fats;
(8) Research center;
(9) Storage of coal and other bulk products;
(10) Bakery goods, candy manufacture without a retail outlet;
(11) Laundry, cleaning and dyeing plants; and
(12) Essential services and structures.
(B) Special exceptions.
(2) Outside recreational uses.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Mobile home parks;
(2) Planned commercial projects;
(3) Gasoline service stations;
(5) Permitted uses in Districts C-1 and C-2;
(6) Expansion for existing commercial uses; and
(7) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Permitted uses shown for District I-1;
(2) Bulk storage of gasoline, fuel oil or other inflammable or explosive liquids (2,000 gallons maximum);
(3) Steel fabricators;
(4) Metal goods manufacture with foundries, heavy presses and the like;
(5) Chemical industry;
(6) Asphalt manufacture or refining;
(7) Concrete plant, rock crushing;
(8) Monuments works; and
(9) Essential services and structures.
(B) Special exceptions.
(2) Outside recreational uses.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Conditional uses in District I-1;
(3) Mobile home parks;
(4) Planned commercial projects;
(5) Gasoline service stations;
(6) Permitted uses in Districts C-1 and C-2;
(7) Wrecking or dismantling of motor vehicle (storage of the parts and materials from such operations and the storage of other junk (see § 156.099));
(8) Bulk storage of gasoline, fuel oil or other inflammable or explosive liquids where total capacity per site exceeds 2,000 gallons (tank to be measured in accordance with water capacity); and
(9) Non-conforming re-use, in accordance with § 156.036.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)