   (A)   A home professional office shall be a professional office, as defined in this chapter, which is located in a residential dwelling and which is secondary to the use of the structure as a dwelling.
   (B)   Such use shall be permitted, only when approved as a special exception and shall be so approved only subject to the following conditions, plus any other conditions that may be added by the Board at the time of approval.
      (1)   No more than one professional person, plus one receptionist, plus two licensed nurses or technicians may perform professional services on the site at any one time.
      (2)   The structure shall be used as the principal residence of the professional person, who must be a sole proprietor, and no partnership or corporation business shall be conducted on the premises.
      (3)   No evidence of the business activity shall be visible from the street or adjacent properties and no signs shall be allowed except as permitted by ordinance. There shall be no variation from the residential character of the principal or accessory structures.
      (4)   The business services performed on the premises shall be confined to those of the profession, with no sale of products, except for medicinal or professionally prescribed products.
      (5)   The portion of any floor of the principal structure devoted to the professional use shall not exceed 40% of the usable floor area, and no portion of such business shall be conducted in an accessory building, except for storage.
      (6)   Off-street parking for home professional offices shall be adequate to serve all clients visiting the premises, and shall in no case be less than one parking space for each 100 square feet of office space, plus one space for each vehicle owned by, or customarily operated by, the members of the household. In addition, a parking space shall be provided for each nurse, technician or professional practitioner who is not a member of the household. Parking spaces must be accessible and in accordance with § 156.077(A).
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999
   (A)   Drilling for oil or gas, including injection wells, and excavation of sand, gravel, coal or other material from the ground shall comply with the following minimum requirements, and if such use is classified within the zoning district where the drilling or excavation occurs as a conditional use, it shall also comply with any other measures that City Council may specify to protect the public interest. A zoning certificate shall be required for each property.
   (B)   No drilling or excavation work shall commence prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate.
   (C)   (1)   Prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate, the following documents shall be submitted to and approved by the city:
         (a)   A plot plan of the site, drawn to scale;
         (b)   A plan showing how soil erosion and sedimentation is to be controlled;
         (c)   A plan for maintenance and restoration of the site; and
         (d)   Written proof that all registration and other requirements of the state’s Department of Environmental Resources have been satisfied.
      (2)   The information submitted to and approved by the state’s Department of Environmental Resources may be accepted by the city to fulfill this requirement.
   (D)   No drilling or mineral excavation shall be conducted closer than 50 feet from an adjacent property, unless under common lease or ownership, and no closer than 100 feet to any street right-of-way line.
   (E)   No drilling or mineral excavation operations shall be conducted closer than 300 feet to an existing dwelling, or to a school, hospital or similar use, nor shall such operations be conducted closer than 50 feet from any commercial or industrial building.
   (F)   No oil, gas or injection well shall be drilled north of an east-west line running through the centerline of the Sciota Road Bridge over Hare Creek within 1,000 feet of Hare Creek. Said limits shall be determined by measuring from the proposed well site to the closest point on the centerline of Hare Creek.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999
   City Council may permit, as a conditional use, departures from the zoning regulations for properly planned project if the planned project meets with the following requirements:
   (A)   The area of land to be developed is not less than two acres;
   (B)   Adjacent properties will not be adversely affected;
   (C)   Where dwelling units occur, the average density shall not be greater than the density requirements in the district in which the planned area is located. The use of the land shall not differ substantially from the uses permitted in the district, except that limited commercial facilities intended to serve only a special residential project area and fully integrated into the design of a residential project may be allowed;
   (D)   The plan shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter;
   (E)   For residential areas, a minimum of one acre per 20 dwelling units shall be improved for recreational use. At least one recreation area shall be a minimum of one-half acre with the size of remaining areas to be approved by the Planning Commission; and
   (F)   All parking requirements of this chapter shall be met.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999
   In Transitional Commercial District C-3 (§ 156.059), all uses shall conform to the following requirements.
   (A)   Hours of operation. Between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. current time, except for hotels, motels, parking, essential services and residential use.
   (B)   Drive-in facilities. Not permitted.
   (C)   Landscaped or open areas. The following minimum side and back yard requirements shall separate transitional commercial facilities from abutting residential zoned property, except where separation is provided by a street, alley, railroad, creek or other land which cannot be used for residential purposes. Residential uses which may be permitted are exempt from these provisions.
Buildings and structures
10 feet
Parking, loading and drives
5 feet
   (D)   Buffers and fences. A buffer or fence shall be installed where land in District C-3 abuts property zoned or used for residential purposes, except where separation is provided by a street, alley, railroad, creek or other land which cannot be used for residential purposes. Residential uses which may be permitted are exempt from these provisions. Acceptable fences or buffers shall be installed within five feet or the residential property line and may include any of the following, or such other fence or buffer as the Board may approve:
      (1)   Fences, solid type, neat and properly maintained on both sides, between six and seven feet high, and including basket weave type, vertical board type, horizontal board type, cyclone type with opaque inserts and stockade type;
      (2)   Walls of concrete between six and seven feet in height shall be neat and properly maintained on both sides; and
      (3)   Walls of evergreen vegetation, such as spruce or pine, no less than five feet in height at planting, and maintained and/or replaced as necessary to provide a continuous and perpetual visibility shield.
   (E)   Retail or service businesses. Retail businesses permitted as a special exception shall, in addition to meeting the provisions of Section 802.4, be of such a nature that they do not create heavy pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Such uses as the following may be permitted by the Board if they comply in all other respects with the provisions of this chapter:
      (1)   Clothing or shoe stores;
      (2)   Flower or gift shops, jewelry stores and the like;
      (3)   Dry-cleaning establishments (no coin operation);
      (4)   Government or government agency facilities;
      (5)   Day-care facilities;
      (6)   Retail bakery or candy sales; and
      (7)   Uses which, in the opinion of the Board, are similar to the above.
   (F)   Transitional commercial on corner lots. Where a corner lot is zoned C-3, all commercial frontage and signs shall face the major traffic street.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999
   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the city or its agencies from locating buildings, structures, services or other community facilities in any zoning district, when the installation of such facilities is deemed by City Council to be in the best interest of the city for the protection of public health or safety, or for the general welfare of the community.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991)
   No lot or premises shall be used as a garbage or storage dump, or as a storage area for manure, rubbish or miscellaneous refuse, or for the storage of vehicle parts or junk vehicles which are not classified as restorable. No such refuse may be stored in an open area in any district. The number of restorable junk vehicles on any lot in residential districts shall not exceed one vehicle per property. In the case of multi-family use of land, the landowner shall be responsible for compliance with this provision, see definition of junk vehicle. Commercial repair of vehicles shall not be performed in residential districts. No non-restorable junk vehicle shall be parked on any lot in residential districts at any time for more than 12 hours.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999
§ 156.109 SIGHT LINE.
   No fence, wall, hedge, screen, sign or other structure or planting shall be higher than three feet in any district within the triangle area (sight triangle) formed by the intersection of the centerline of each street; sight triangles shall be formed by connection of points on the intersecting street centerlines; such points being 80 feet from the intersection of the centerlines. Trees may be planted in this triangle area, provided the lowest foliage is eight feet or higher. In computing heights, the street adjacent to the structure or the ground line at structure, whichever is lower, shall be the elevation from which heights are measured.
(Ord. 1347, passed 3-18-1991) Penalty, see § 156.999