General Provisions
156.01 Title
156.02 Authority and jurisdiction
156.03 Findings
156.04 Purpose; intent; objectives
156.05 Definitions
156.06 Applicability
156.07 Exemptions
156.08 Permit and plan required
156.09 Relationship to other development processes
156.10 Relationship to other regulations
156.11 Application requirements for all land-disturbing activity other than that associated with a single-family or two-family dwelling
156.12 Application requirements for land-disturbing activity associated with a single-family or two-family dwelling
156.13 Severability
Specific Provisions
156.25 All development and other land-disturbing activity
156.26 Requirements for roads and driveways
156.27 Fire protection
156.28 Best management practices
156.29 Submission and review of applications
156.30 Criteria for approval of applications
156.31 Action on application
156.32 Variances
156.33 Appeal
156.34 Procedures for variances and appeals
156.35 Administration and enforcement
156.36 Amendments
156.99 Penalty